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Everything posted by Braker

  1. I understand your point of view, i have underevaluated the devs' work for the balance. But for you, what can be improved in the next update ?
  2. Ok, so to reasure me, Squad recognized this lack of perfection about reentry heat and work actually to make a new reentry heat system ? I hope that this one will be pine point realistic and universal for all players (not adjustable with this slider).
  3. 100% or 120% ? If 100% is the realistic value, why 120% can be selected ? And when we say "100%", is 100% of what ? Of realism ? Of difficulty ? I think that the reentry heat settings should be the sames for all. The devs' should be set an unique resalistic value and do a checkable box to activate or desactivate the reentry heat effects... Are you agree my point of view ? Thanks for answers and kind regards. Have a nice day !
  4. Hello, i just would like to know if there are any chances that you implements the "moving and interracting in the craft" feature... Thanks, good luck for the 1.0 and sorry if that question is already posted. Kind regards. + Sorry for the topic title, cannot edit
  5. Thanks and finally what is the relation with the Delta V and acceleration to find the final burn time?
  6. That is what i do, but the estimated burn time displayed work only WHEN you burn, so it is very problematic because i can't anticipate the burn, and the precision goes out... Thanks for your reply.
  7. Hello again, i look now for a burn time calculator to enable me to anticipate for long burns, instead of do a test burn of 1 second whenever... If you have a mathematical formula or a tools to calculate that (by weight, by thrust allowed...) Thanks again. Have a good day.
  8. I have finally found a solution: (based on electricsheep's one) I go on the tracking station and read the actual time and the mission time of one roover landed on mun or minmus... I have coded an algorithm to convert the Y/D/H/M/S Time in seconds, so i convert my current time, my chosed MET and my target time(time to burn). So i have my 3 results in seconds and i do this operation (included in my casio algo): ((TGT time) minus (Current time minus MET)) = the time to burn displayed in my roover MET in second. Finally, i just convert the result in Y/D/H/M/S by a banal online converter... I hope that will can help. Sorry for the language(im French) And thanks.
  9. I will try that, thanks for help... I guard the topic hot in case of anyone have a better solution... Thanks again.
  10. Yes i know, but i don't have the clock displayed to know when im on the window... I just would like to display the current sandbox time like in tracking station, but in flight.Thanks for your reply.
  11. Hello again, i would like to display the current time(like in tracking station) in flight, because i want to warp to my burn time to Duna and i cannot see in real time the current day, hour... Moreover, it is not possible to warp in tracking station. You have a solution for me? I hope I would not have to use a mod... Thanks and regards.
  12. Thanks for replies, i will use the alexmoon's tools instead of the mod beacause i would like to stay in vanilla. Thanks again.
  13. Hello, I look for a full launch calendar for interplanetary with all possible travels. It's will be very nice if anyone can explain where i can find a spreadsheet or other... Thanks and regards.
  14. I have a question: How i can know my currents ejection and phase angles? Thx.
  15. Very big thanks to KSP team and i'm sorry for that:http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/16308-Next-update?p=228859#post228859
  16. Hello, i'm a new here and i would like to know approximately, when the 0.17 will be out... It should take more time than 0.16 isn't it?. thank you.
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