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Everything posted by Braker

  1. Yeah, I forgot this aspect of things, but my point of view is the same... In reality, you can't change the attitude of a big shuttle with the reaction wheels in the Mk3 Cockpit.
  2. Hello, I'm not an expert, but I think that the reaction wheels power are very (too) powerfull... This is a lil bit of cheating isn't it? For example, take the Mk1-2 Command Pod, jettison it on space, and apply full pitch or/and roll... The pod will just rotate close to the light speed and the Kerbals inside will just have a brain attack. This issue have to effect to make useless the RCS for the little ships... Thanks and regards. EDIT: to complete my statement: The RCS is just totally useless in attitude adjustement for a regular sized ship... I think this is a lack in the gameplay, because the reaction wheels are very light (more light than a RCS tank :)). It is more intressting to add a SAS module than an RCS with monoproplent tanks... Please, read the statements in this thread before voting...
  3. @sal_vager that will be fixed in stock for the next update ?
  4. Ok, not solved in 1.1.1... Please, vote this ticket up if you want to see this issue stock-fixed for 1.1.2. And thanks to -dead- for the workarround.
  5. No way to increase the "switch ship" distance ?
  6. Hello, when I try to launch a rocket via a stratolauncher, this stratolauncher disappear when the rocket reach 20 km from it... This make cost in carrer mode, and the kerbals inside the stratolauncher dies... Anyone have a solution ? Here is an example of a crewed startolauncher : Thanks and regards...
  7. Hello, my Track IR 5 is not detected in x64. The driver is up to date. This issue is exactly the same as reported here: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/7768 Thanks and regards...
  8. Ok, I see. I hope at least that the cliffing will be fixed...
  9. I have a review of my suggestion : Just create the model of the chute on the floor when landed. What do you think about that ?
  10. I think that the reason why it is not implemented yet is the amount of fuel to dump... e.g. In reality, dumping a rockomax orange fuel tank should take a long time. In the space shuttle, its is a little amount of fuel (residual fuel) that is dumped. So I think that feature MUST be implemented in all case, but may be with a realistic dump flow to prevent irrealistic dump (e.g. dumping a rocomax in 10 seconds during launch). Additionaly, I think that we cannot be satisfied by a simple system like ALT+Click, we need a realistic fuel gestion and the dumping should be used in certain precise conditions.
  11. Thanks, but I need this feature in the stock game. But i'm afraid that is not possible in reality, now I doubt...
  12. Ok, so we need this for next update isn't it ? - - - Updated - - - Jut an additional thing : it is possible to dump the fuel in real life ? And when the fuel dumping is used ?
  13. Anyone know if this feature is planned for 1.1 ?
  14. Hi again, in some situations (to work on the center of mass before reentry with a shuttle for example), i need to dump monoproplent/main fuel. In the older versions, we could dump one by one the oxidizer and liquid fuel by pushing full throttle, but now it is not possible anymore... So I think that we need a dump option in the right click menu of tanks. What do you think about that ? I think that was already suggested but not found in forums. Thanks and regards
  15. PS : the animation should not necessarily be fluid... 5-10 frames should suffice. - - - Updated - - - Ok I see, did you think that will be possible in U5.2 ?
  16. It's just an animation... The object should have two state : in flight (descent) and flattened (landed). I did not understand the problem
  17. When you land, the parachute just disapear (may be Harry Potter is on the spot ?)... Why not create an animation of deflation and keep the parachute on the ground ? Sorry if that was already suggested. Regards
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