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Everything posted by sanity

  1. excessive g forces already cause problems, atleast on poor designs, you can break a ship in half doing an aerobrake, if you're going fast enough and have a large mass and weak connections
  2. somewhere a have a small limpet mine thing, that attaches to docking ports and burns through things
  3. Moved My Big Fuel Dump out to Tylo from layth orbit, 200+ Tons shifted on a single nuc engine, took a truly indecent ammount of fuel to do it, dropped 40+ Tons of fuel for such a simple low delta maneuver
  4. I Have a V.small Carrier that may work out with yr corvettes and some minor adaptation, testing it now we'll see
  5. same, I've been doing 1 laythe trip a day to refuel my station, and im still sick of piloting the exact same ship design on the exact same course over and over and over again, but it will be worth it in the end
  6. for rockets with aerodynamic surfaces you need to overcompensate, add more aerodynamic winglets at the top and bottom of the rocket, you can jetison them later but they are needed to keep control when wings add lift iin strange directions
  7. it can land? i have to go back and look at it again, but that sounds like it'd be particularily difficult even on a low grav moon, still it'd be pretty cool but it would make refuelling ships from it a bit more difficult and interesting too i suppose
  8. I could always move my station out to tylo i suppose, there is a spot for an engine attachment on my station, but the current engine designs i use to send out tankers are very basic to save weight during the transfer(only a single nuclear engine and RCS to puch a whole orannge tank) might be hard to shift the whole station since it nolonger has RCS thrusters of its own (i designed it to jettison them once in place to reduce part count)
  9. you'll use a lot of fuel in the brake maneuver, i've been using laythe's atmo from going straight from kerbin, and its still taken about 6 seperate flights to get me to this point refuel wise, i expect it to take at least another 4 more, its going to be a nightmare refueling 8 tanks including the need to brake at destination I'm Thinking Tylo for my ships, it out of the way, and its a dead world, so i was thinking of storyboarding it as a military weapons testing ground, posibly illegal research
  10. i managed to get my laythe fuel dump down to 84 parts to keep it easy for large ships to dock without the need for a tanker (unless the ships are incapable of docking maneuvers),it contains approx, 18000 units of liquid F, 4000 Units Mono, 5000 Units Xenon, been filling it all week, nearly full now
  11. How do ships refuel from it if they cant approach? Is there a small tanker or something that does the job?
  12. A Rover block makes a good bridge, nice and wide, square ish shape, throw on some lights and a bit of extra batteries n solar panels, communatron etc...
  13. working on some fighter for a small carrier, The New SAS behavior Allows for Some wildly Off Center Ship Designs, Still need a name for this one, sugestion anyone?
  14. nice, looks great, can you build a pseudo bridge on it? or would that unbalance it too much?
  15. i built a smaller base in layhte orbit, 6 orange tanks and 4 large RCS segments, i built it there instead of in kerbin orbit mostly because i didnt want to try to push it to layth i 1 piece
  16. any plans for getting it into place? or is it already in place around kerbin
  17. true, probly at most macey will accept (per person) 1 ship from each category, unless the ships is truly exceptional or fulfills a critical need
  18. mmm, that what i do, all my out system construction ships have 1-way Interplanetary Drives Attached to them to make the burn , but my ships can do it all by themselves
  19. As a Hanland Ship Maybe, in other news I Just Spent the last 2 days building a fueling station in Laythe Orbit what a pain in the butt, 16 seperate launches to build the 6 seperate construction ships in orbit, 6 ships launched to laythe and its finally complete now i just need to fuel it completely, which will probly require another 6 laythe launches (12 with building the ships in orbit), but Macey needs fuel so i thought it'd be a good idea
  20. v0.21.1 is a lot better, it actually works and i feel i could get used to it, but i would like an indicator on the nav ball so i could tell where the SAS has locked on too, cause sometimes its hard to tell
  21. the ASAS works alright for planes, except during landing, but it works not at all for rockets we need a rocket ASAS not a plane ASAS
  22. i want new kerbal types, ive always wanted to take science kerbals and engineering kerbals from the VAB on missions, i mean Pilot Kerbals are great but theyre not much use when there not needed to pilot the ship, i want my science kerbals doing science, and my engineering kerbals running my resource equipment with the science guys making fuel and fixing all the little bits that fell of my ship during landing
  23. everyone should do a test using the stock kerbal-X, add a ASAS module and report the result, does the sas work or fail if it fails in what way, describe the failure? this should give us a baseline to determine whether its failing all the time on every install type or the SAS is just improperly calibrated for larger more massive rockets
  24. yea, its the groundscatter option, you turn it on you gets trees, but its not on by default
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