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Everything posted by sanity

  1. craft file <a href="http://www./download.php?239dlii3dg5zmmf">here</a> she flies like a pig, mech jeb her up, 200m/s til 12k at pitch 89 300m/s from 12 k -32 at pitch 75 from 32 pitch to 45 cut off engines to drop external tanks then nurse her into orbit
  2. build a frame to hold parts of your rocket together during launch <a href="http://imgur.com/hv4me"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/hv4me.png" alt="" title="Hosted by imgur.com" /></a>
  3. Kerbal Space Station #11, my first really sucessful space station, its 10 brothers failed in some aspects with only 2 successes, KSS #2 and KSS #11 KSS #2, smaller and no gravity boom, launched successfully, current status:lost in space, assumed swallowed by space Kraken <a href="http://imgur.com/qQfH0"><img src="http://imgur.com/qQfH0.jpg" title="Hosted by imgur.com" alt="" /></a> KSS #10, Sister Station to KSS #10, Launched Successfully, lost due due to unexplained effect on extension of the gravity boom, Gravity boom experienced separation anxiety and decided to fling itself back into the station Creating a serious debris problem, <a href="http://imgur.com/kynah"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/kynah.png" alt="" title="Hosted by imgur.com" /></a> Pilot Jeb survived to fly KSS #10 KSS #11 Launch Sucessful, effect of gravity Boom on Stabilisation - None, Status; Re-entered Atmo <a href="http://imgur.com/6N50s"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/6N50s.jpg" alt="" title="Hosted by imgur.com" /></a> <a href="http://imgur.com/AFHPr"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/AFHPr.jpg" title="Hosted by imgur.com" alt="" /></a> <a href="http://imgur.com/TSNCn"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/TSNCn.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com" alt="" /></a> <a href="http://imgur.com/o8ibs"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/o8ibs.png" alt="" title="Hosted by imgur.com" /></a> <a href="http://imgur.com/COHXW"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/COHXW.jpg" title="Hosted by imgur.com" alt="" /></a> Note for Future Development, Gravity Booms Do not Work
  4. My best Attempt, i wanted to dock 8 ships here at once, but they float away if i'm not actively in them <a href="http://imgur.com/qQfH0"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/qQfH0.png" alt="" title="Hosted by imgur.com" /></a>
  5. hmmm, i find it really hard to dock in a low orbit, i do all my docking work out in geo-stat orbit
  6. nice, clamp work, that looks so much easier to repeat then an end on clamp approach
  7. use any modded parts you want and mechjeb but dock 2 ships together and show a picture ie. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/338/kspdocking2ships.png/
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