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Everything posted by Limit

  1. My first and last mission to Eeloo was an 8 man interplanetary vessel with a 3 man lander: The lander turned out to be grossly over engineered, didn't know what to expect with Eeloo The aerobraking on the return to Kerbin was pretty spectacular Left the vessel in an 80x80 parking orbit ready for refueling and re-use
  2. That looks fantastic, how do you install it?
  3. The standalone docking cam is still not working with the updated version. The button to activate the camera on the docking port is there but that actual camera dosent show up. Edit: same issue as the guy above, except i tested it on a separate version of KSP with only this mod installed.
  4. Reporting the docking cam does not work in 0.23
  5. After a re-install (download from spaceport) still no icon showing in version 0.23. Also made a separate install of KSP with only this mod in the Game Data folder - still not showing up.
  6. So far haven't got this working in .23. The Icon is not showing up to toggle this mod. Anyone else with similar problems?
  7. Brought down a damaged space plane on one engine.
  8. Favourite snaps from my recent expedition to Eeloo
  9. Landed and Returned from Eeloo for the first time: The "Far Discovery" in orbit above Kerbin Capture Burn above Eeloo Detachment of the lander Landing Successful Rendezvous and docking of the lander Return and approach to Kerbin at 4.5km/s Violent Aero-braking Shuttle docking and extraction of 8 crew aboard Return to KSC, the 8 crew-members of Far Discovery
  10. landed on the mun the old fashioned way #nostalgia
  11. Managed to trim the fat a little, and squeeze a slightly better time of 2 mins and 35 seconds on the basic course. Top speed of just over 400m/s between gate 5 and 6. Start Finish Craft mk2
  12. Managed 2 minutes and 41 seconds on the basic course in a stock craft. I reckon I could go faster, because I had to cut the power to make the turn between gate 3 and 4! Start Finish The Craft
  13. Night Time Launch of the MKO Shuttle "Nimble"
  14. Nice screen shots above! I wish there was a realism option for KSP that would show stars only when in the shadow of a planet or moon.
  15. I did alot of testing in 0.16 for slingshots in preparation for interplanetary travel. Its all about pre-planning. You need to make sure the moon is in the right place in order to escape kerbin prograde or retrograde (ie head away from the sun or closer to it). I try and get my mun periapsis at about 2km from the surface (as close as possible), then when at mun periapsis I do another burn to get my kerbin preiapis to about 70km (as close as i dare to the atmosphere). Then i finally do a burn a kerbin periapsis depending how far out I want to go.
  16. For the Habitation Modules only: Kosmos, NovaPunch, Crewtank, Mechjeb, ORDA, Ekrle Dock Mod + relevant plugins (powertech, etc)
  17. My rover "indefatigable" on the surface of Duna
  18. I've currently got about 9 separate ships in KLO awaiting Duna Transfer: - 3 Communication Satellites - 2 Surface Habitation Module - 2 Surface Refuelling Stations - 1 Duna to Orbit Vessel - 1 Duna to Kerbin Interplanetary Vessel I've already got 2 Rovers on the surface and a mapsat satellite at Duna I've done what feels like hundreds of test flights for each module, multiple docking missions to refuel each module to make it to duna, and a ton of roving with my surface rovers already on duna to scount a good site to set up a base. This also happens to be the first time I try to land kerbals on another planet; I'm leaving nothing to chance. Total of 9 Kerbals are going to live on the red planet for 2 years Here's me practising landing one of the habitation modules on Kerbin: De-orbit Burn Separation from Booster Stage Rotating Landing Module to prograde Entering the atmosphere and rapid deceleration Separating the Heatshield Firing the landing boosters Backshell separation Chute Deploy Chute opening and landing gear deployed Touchdown!
  19. This mod works fine for me in 0.17. However one major issue I've seen so far: I can use a vessel equipped with the seniors array anywhere, i.e. the line of sight isn't working any longer, and I can pilot vessels on the other side of Kerbin and even many miles away.
  20. I usually try and push below 2 km for my gravity assist manoeuvres around the mum. Once got down to 1,400km doing 1100m/s in a 60 tonne vehicle - pretty insane
  21. I could only get 7:20 of air time with 5 mk3 units, 9 engines, 1 man capsule and mech jeb
  22. The Flying Brick! Top speed = 1055.2 m/s or Mach 3.1
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