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Everything posted by chickenplucker

  1. They would not attach for some reason without sticking one of the landers little fuel tanks on first. Also when using those struts symmetry will not work correctly. Those little light high density tanks are almost cheating
  2. Well here is mine, kind of on the small side but my laptop doesn\'t like larger ships. Satellite maintenance station'Pogo' burning into orbit. Setting Kubble free. Funny thing, the next stage shoots the decoupler straight into the telescope destroying it. Hmmm... Flying over the satellite bay and docking arm. Heading home. Parts; Silisko Vanguard Shuttle, and Probodobodyne Really dig the Vanguard. That thing is a fun little ship. Industrial Flames & Explosions Lander fuel tanks and engines power the station, plenty of fuel for shuffling about in orbit. No RCS since it can sluggishly move around on its own. Down Under Aerospace & Party Supplies Stage adapters and SAS units. I can\'t wait for that chunky little Down Under shuttle to come out. Captian Slugs Solar Collector People are funny about these, I personally like them. When it hits orbit the station still has 3 1/4 tanks full so it doesn\'t need them, but I put em\' on in case I felt like trying to shuffle the station to the moon or deep space.
  3. Yuppers Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
  4. This mod is hilarious Only thing missing is a version of Jeb with a cowboy hat riding a booster!
  5. Wow, I want to see that. One stage should earn you a bunch of extra cookies . The one in the screen shot is the 5th (?) stage of a massive pile of of struts and boosters, which in turn likes to make a massive pile of boosters and struts on the Mun.
  6. I keep buckling the engines off mine. Few more tries, I got this...
  7. Go to the download page, scroll down to the bottom until you see experimental release versions and download for windows or mac, then you can go smash into the Mun.
  8. Omnivore, that thing is a freaking work of art man. So much chaos contained in there somehow.
  9. I doubt it, there are a lot of crazy people on these boards Off topic a bit but here is a tri BFE
  10. Challange: How tall of a rocket can you build and get into some form of orbit. Use any parts you want, we are going for; [li]Max height on the launch pad[/li] [li]Space worthiness/Make it orbit[/li] [li]And hilarity[/li] Have at it, go forth and abuse the VAB! The more frighting it looks the better 178m on the pad
  11. After much yelling among the three Kerbals, it was found that the above design was lacking in grandeur. Jeb some how landed a grant from Tri State Fuel to fund more tanks for the rocket. The above all though impressive, flew like a wet noodle. The KSP board members refused to honor Bills request for a taller VAB building to allow the building of struts down the entire length of the rocket in the name of saftey. So the rocket was rebuilt in a slightly smaller form. Flying the above was like watching a .gif load for the first time. I lost patience to see where it would stop at around 20mins in, and one of my Xeon\'s cores was starting to give me dirty looks. Unity really needs to get multi core support in that engine. Once it was up I gave it more 1/4 throttle and promptly ripped it in half, so I had some wierd asymmetrical space station to play with.
  12. First I must say that I did not know about the beautiful piece of machinery known as the BFE-5000 before reading this thread, so thank you . And secondly I did find a way to make your idea work (just noticed your using 4, your a madman ), next challenge is to make it somewhat controllable and reach orbit. Struts are your friend Heres the craft file if you would like to play with it. Parts it uses; BFE-5000, Sunday Punch pack - largelongfuelTank, and 1 to 3 metre frustrum fairing
  13. Thats still some mighty impressive ship control there When docking actually starts working you\'ll be way ahead of the game.
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