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Everything posted by chickenplucker

  1. Haha, oh man I need to fly a bike there. That sounds like a riot. Your correct Kreuzung, the cfg only scales settings/nodes. I was thinking it did the mesh too for some reason. Have been up faaar to long, way over due for some sleep.
  2. In the cfg if you just tweak the scale and it should take effect: // --- asset parameters --- mesh = model.mu scale = 0.1 So if you did .05 then it would be half as big as it currently was in game.
  3. lol everything is better with more solid boosters attached I\'m not very good and modeling figures but I may have to make a Evil Kernibal guy to ride this now. Again, thanks for all the nice comments everyone, I\'m glad your enjoying it
  4. I was going to make a small 1m launcher/lander with this but .16 will be out before I get that done at the pace I have been working on stuff lately, kind of distracted by a 54\' Buick. But anyways here\'s the bike: Still awaiting permission to use the Kerbal models, so instead of delaying the bike further I built a washing machine bot to take the helm. Links on the first page like always. Make sure to toggle on the SAS if you go to the Mun or else things will get a litte unstable. I never took it to Minimus, hopefully it works
  5. Same with Motocross . I *think* this may be possible in the game, but the wheel mass and torque would have to be greater on the Bigtrak in order to have faster throttle response to yank the wheel mass around quicker to get the nose up. I\'m not sure how a six wheel drive vehicle would react to that though, I\'ve never seen anyone jump an Argo. I may add a counter weight to clip on the back of the Bigtrak to fix this issue, it could be setup as a decoupler so you could drop it if you wanted. James Bond is awesome, someone needs to do some Moonraker parts
  6. Its offset on purpose so from level ground it will jump into forward flight at 25ms, not intended to be centered Okay on the Kiwi, how fast should this little motor scooter go? Currently on the Mun I was hitting 75ms and stuff was whizzing by like crazy which felt and seemed way to fast. Maybe 50ms? Although it is a bike... Also it may be ridiculously too stable. You can ramp off a cliff with hardly any worries when going airborne.
  7. Its a riot With parts fresh off the drawing board you never know whats going to happen. Panel storm leads to... And eventually...
  8. Currently fuel crossfeeding does not work from above in the way that the craft is setup and its draining one of the tanks on the side first and then the otherside. Which causes the stablilty issues, but makes for nifty firework displays (Large white wedge thing is the collision mesh) So heres the new setup that seems to be working the best so far. In the past it has been setup as a SAS controlled bike (very frustrating), two spheres for guide wheels (funky shadows), collision node skid plate (easy to get stuck on things), and now a combanation of skidplate and guide wheels which works rather wheel (har har). The only issue that bugs me is you can catch small glimpse of white from light hitting the tiny invisible wheels on the side. Its just one pixel but it looks funky on the grass but should be harder to see on the Mun. Testing continues
  9. Thanks for the help Capt\'n Skunky and Kreuzung, I think I have figured it out now. The problem was that I was setting the channels to 32bits in Photoshop which ends up being 96bits total (derp ), which then completely screws up the .png. So if anyone is using Photoshop and having trouble with transparant textures heres a quick run down: Go to Image>Mode>8bits/Channel Flatten the image (shift+ctrl+E, if it didn\'t already flatten it switching to 8bit), create a new layer, move it below the layer with your texture. On your texture layer delete the spots that you want to be transparant so that the empty layer below shows through. Make sure that emptly layer you created below isn\'t filled with white. It needs to be the checkerboard that indicates its empty. Then File>Save As Select .PNG from the menu and save. Don\'t use 'Save For Web & Devices...' as it only exports 8 and 24bit .PNGs which will make your models look like they are stained with Hawaiian Punch. Results: Some re-texturing later... Still getting shadows which kind of ruins the effect. Hmmm. I\'m also slightly worried as much as I am excited about KSP .16. Having real Kerbals is going to be fun but may completely break the motorcycle. At the moment the command pod for the bike is a Kerbalnaut, will 3 Kerbals be able to pop out the side of the one? What if the scale is off from the offical Kerbals? If there is command pod views, how will that effect a motorcycle? Can the offical Kerbals take the place of the command pod and wander over to the bike and hop on so it doesnt need the 'command pod' Kerbal? Which I guess would be the same as having them go ship to ship which would be a version of docking kind of... Anyways enough of my rambling , just going to have to keep an eye on the .16 dev thread to find out. @ colmo Give the Damned Robotics pack a go : http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=10662.0 It will be able to make one nice large grabber claw, although you may want to place landing gear legs on the corners of the Bigtrak so you can drop them like outriggers on a backhoe to keep it stable while lifting.
  10. I think its probably doable but would currently need to be done through Unity or a plugin. It would be really neat to have varying pulses of light flickering off the tail of an engine. I bet at some point that just gets added into the game. On a side note, if anyone has any hints or suggestions for correctly using/creating .PNG alpha channels in the game let me know. I\'ve spent two days on it so far with no luck and really am starting to get bugged by it. Back in my GTA modding days you would just assign another channel to the texture and pack a bunch of images in a .txd file and be done with it. This binary .png mask stuff is tripping me up :
  11. The bike is not being a happy camper in game so far, there are two issues that I\'m still working on. First is that its so tiny the wheel collision meshes like to fall through the ground all the time. Fairly certain I can get around this by making giant invisible jumbo wheels off to the side for more support. The second thing that bugs me is in that screenshot, that is as far in as the camera can zoom which is still pretty far away from the model which makes all the detail work on it kind of useless. Oh well, I\'ll keep playing with it.
  12. When you get around to adding motors, what if you built a boat motor model that was a rocket, has zero fuel consumption, its minimum thrust is say -70 and its maximum thrust is 70. This way if you placed the throttle at 50% it would be at 0 thrust and in neutral. Lowering the thrust would move your boat backwards and you could still increase it to move forward. Add in some custom boat motor sound files and Bob\'s your uncle I never tested this though to see if reversing the thrust would even work, or if it would shoot the exhaust back at the motor and cause it to overheat and explode.
  13. This may not be the correct way, but I always just spend an hour or so messing around with notepad++ and the config file. I think the 3ds max script auto exports the node for you, but I\'m not sure if blender has that luxury. To help speed up manually editing nodes, remove all but the parts you are working on, and maybe leave in the mk1 command pod, a fuel tank and engine. Then the game will load much quicker and save some of your sanity.
  14. More pictures! Muwahahaha! Still needs a lot of work and some permission from prefim to use his Kerbanaut model. Its so tiny! I like to line up about 8 bikes and run them down monster truck style with the Bigtrak. A trike version would be easy to make since it kind of is one already, just need to make the back wheels transparant so they are not visable.
  15. The rake on the forks was just left like that cause its easier to rotate verts if they are square to the grid. Trying to grab hold of stuff thats all jumbled together is a pain So I have given up on trying to slip that command pod into the bike and trashed that design. To much fuggly going on there. Here is the new design: Much more traditional. This should fit on a standard 1m rocket *knock on wood* Edit: Added a few more details
  16. Here is Kiwi, the new addition to the pack that I\'m working on. Its a bike and really only shares a few parts with the Bigtrak but I\'m adding it in anyways. Comments or criticism on its funky looks welcome, its still very much a work in progress ;D Hmm... The side view of this thing makes me want to make a high performance Bigtrak now with long travel suspension like a trophy truck.
  17. It is a wee bit overpowered. It was set up to be used as a reentry/landing engine for use in atmospheres. That way when you landed there would be around half a tank left for exploring and what not. Now with the atmosphere engines in there can be two versions to keep it from being way cheaty feeling. That probe is magnificent btw
  18. My VPS is being a POS, one sec. Okay its back up. Something got hung up in networking services and ate all the RAM causing everything to take a dive.
  19. Generally I make mine from scratch, sometimes using some images just for background texture (i.e. dirt, scratches). Here is the process I go through: Create a vector based graphic or image in Adobe Illustrator for say some panels or bolt textures. Illustrator is a vector based image program, which means anything you create can be scaled to any size with no loss of quality. The images are based on vector lines, unlike Photoshop which is a raster based image editor (pixels). Then I create a blank canvas in Adobe Photoshop at the size of the texture that I need, 512x512 or 1024x1024, import the stuff I made from Illustrator on different layers, and tweak/adjust location and settings until I get the result I\'m looking for. The above is just how my work flow is, you do not need any Adobe products to make a decent texture. GIMP or Paint.net are great image editing programs you can get for free that will work just as good. The most import thing to remember when creating textures is to always make an image much larger then what you actually need. You can always scale an image down with no loss of quality.
  20. Updated the .zip to version .21, updated Cart plugin to current and finally got the dang brake lights working on the Bigtrak. Was held back due to an errror in Unity (Me not know how the heck to use it). haha, oh man, thanks for sharing that Cepheus. They seem kind of terrifying in large groups for some reason Thanks for the nice comment ajshell I think Tosh has given me a pretty good solution to getting around the stability issues on the bike, but I have yet to test it. When its finished it will prolly not look anything like that test mule in the pic above, but one way or another Jeb will have his bike.
  21. What version of the mod are you using? The most current version seems to be working fine for me. I made a stock rocket with vanilla parts and slapped two lights on it with no issues. Also I\'m working on an update currently that will get the tail lights working right, update the cart plugin, and hopefully *fingers crossed* some form of Bigtrak-motorcycle Just a rough proof of concept right now.
  22. Yup, everything should work without issue. You can get the cone to snap better by toggling the new snap to angle button right next to the symetrey button. The cart plugin is a bit outdated though and I have been meaning to update it but haven\'t had the chance yet. Hopefully this weekend I can play with the cool new cart features and work on some updates. I have been playing around with the amphibious gear but the command pods keep touching water and exploding. With the new SPH I really want to start on a kerbelized version of Serenity to cart a bigtrak around in.
  23. Minmus is a riot, all those nice lumpy cliff faces and ice flats makes for some amazing jumps. I\'m still trying to line up just right in order to ramp back into orbit.
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