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Everything posted by chickenplucker

  1. I love this place, you guys/gals all rock. My favorite thing about this community is how it spans the range of ages and occupations and yet we all get along. Its always great when you run across one of those threads were someone asks a really odd or specific question and then another person will give a super in depth response/explanation. I'd give everyone high fives if I could, but since this is the internet here is an un-released pine tree in place of a high five. Its a little jacked up since KSP has issues with layered alphas and shadow rendering, but it should help get you started on terra forming. Oh and it should be self righting as well. You all rock, enjoy www.somethingthatdoesntsuck.com/downloads/pine.zip
  2. It will get better when things have a chance to settle down a bit. Like JSD I'd gladly also help with sorting it out if they needed someone, but I'm sure the moderators they have could keep an eye on it. Not sure how flexible the structure of the space port is but if there was a separate subcategory for just .craft files so they did not intermingle with mods that would be the bee's knees.
  3. From the night when the release that added the Mun went live: And because I was paying more attention to Nova's live stream of his first Mun landing attempts then my rocket...
  4. Yuppers it works fine with .17. Some people are reporting that it doesnt play nice with Tosh's Carts (lag, missing context menu) but I haven't been able to reproduce the issues yet.
  5. Depends on what lights your talking about but they should still work. The actual floodlights from the old pack will work with any version of the cart plugin. The lights on the Bigtrak and Liltrak work with the U key. Small progress bump, pics are nothing exciting to look at but the improments should be noticiable in game. Last part to redo is the crewpod for the Cuttlefish and then I can get to work on importing these into the game. I'm thinking about taking some inspiration from Bobcat and just making the Bigtrak and Liltrak use the standard cart plugin and making the crewpod a command pod. That way you could have your Kerbal's jump back in the Cuttlefish when done exploring and head back home, and it would clear up any issues people may have with the conflicting plugins. More work on this later, time to catch up on Doctor Who.
  6. Burnout Paradise and Need for Speed Hot Pursuit. Can you hate a specific game engine more then a game? What type of physics engine doesn't allow for the cars to actually be able to do a real doughnut, driving in a large circle is not a freaking doughnut! Burnout is more forgivable for this since its an arcade racer but Need for Speed Hot Pursuit just kills me. It could have been so much more, but ended up feeling like a crippled Burnout clone with some stupid autolog/social media bull crap mixed in. -end rant Hoping that Forza Horizon doesn't suck, looks promising so far.
  7. Sure I can do that. Should make the rockets look a lot nicer. For the next version I'm thinking about removing the 1m adapter now that we have stock 2m tanks, unless anyone objects. The 1m adapter just looks... odd, its like an egg balancing on a pencil.
  8. Cartcommand.dll turns the Bigtrak/Liltraks into command pods/carts. This allows them to be carts but to also have the torque/sas options of a command pod which can help you roll them back on their wheels if they happen to flip over. Another thing that may not work if the Bigtrak is just a Cart would be the puddle jumper, but its still having collision issues with the Bigtraks airlock that still need to be resolved. I have yet to reproduce the lag issues that people have been reporting with the plugin, which is a modifed version of Cart 1.33. I'm not saying that there isn't a problem with it, but just that I have piled up 25 diffrent types of Carts around the the space center with no lag or issues encountered. I was using my old Vostro laptop for this which is not a high end machine with its aging 8600GT video card, so if there was any problems they should have shown. One temp solution to this if you do not wish to use the cartcommand.dll is to just change the module the rovers are using in the .cfg. For example, from the Bigtraks .cfg file: // --- general parameters --- name = KSP Bigtrak module = Cartcommand Change it to: // --- general parameters --- name = KSP Bigtrak module = Cart I'm still working on the mod, progress has been a bit slow since I have been short on free time for the last month or so. Currently I'm working on refreshing the Cuttlefish now that we have actual planets to visit. I'll have more pics up once the outer shell is finished up, right now the only finished part is the decoupler base and half of the new lander petal.
  9. You seem to post quite often Blinkin, I'm going to say 8/10
  10. So much purple. If it had a unicorn and some dolphins thrown in there it would look like a Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper
  11. The source files are only there in case you feel like poking around with the Plugin's code. Only the plugin and parts are needed for the mod to work.
  12. No more Nintendo64 trees! Looks nice. I hope the good old palm trees make a comeback someday, for some reason I miss those leafy place holders.
  13. Progress is pretty much stopped right now Heading up to spend the weekend playing around on some sand dunes and have been feverishly rushing to put a new engine/transmission in the truck for the trip and won't have time to play around with updating the plugin until I get back. Well, if it rains I may bust out my laptop and poke at it some more. Free time has been at a premium lately and I'm really hoping that things slowdown soon. Thanks for the complement on the avatar, its very... chickenish
  14. This is the .23 version, make sure not to overwrite the new Bigtrak stuff if you want working hatches. http://www.rustedjunk.com/crap/KSP_Bigtrak_v.23.zip I'm poking around at getting Cart 1.34.1 working but it seems to not want to compile, I think it may be missing a referance but I'm not sure. The Assembly-CSharp.dll and UnityEngine.dll that I used before per Tosh's notes in the source readme don't seem to be all its looking for. I'll keep playing with it when I have time but it could take a bit of work. Coding for me is like being drunk and trying to walk home, eventually you get there but you can't remember how.
  15. Liltrak is pretty fun to drive. I left the handling a little twitchy since its small and this way the Bigtrak stays as the big stable rover. Its most stable on the mun around 25-30 m/s, any faster and it turns into a big white foozball bouncing around. With the command pod force it's capable of popping wheelies in low gravity, and it can be drove on 3 wheels in most places which makes for some fun stunt driving. Reminds me of how the ambulances in GTA are top heavy but always mange to fllip back over on to their wheels. The Bigtrak still does not have working brake lights or works with the Puddle Jumper. I spent over 3 hours tweaking things but still no go, its going to take a re-model. There's nothing on the PJ model that intersects the airlock but I think the game may be drawing a full box around the outermost parts of the Puddle Jumper's mesh which would then intersect the airlock. The upper rocket ducting will need to be lowered and maybe the nozzels moved more towards the back. While messing around trying to fix that I even put the airlock 10 meters above the hatch and it still didn't like it, for that matter neither did the Kerbals that fell from the sky thinking it was EVA time. But fixing that is a project for next weekend. Also since Tosh is crazy productive in tuning out cool new things I now have to update the tweaked Cart.dll to Cart 1.34 which I'll try to get done tommarow
  16. Np, this is how stuff gets fixed. I wouldnt have even noticed these issues until way later if you didnt mention them
  17. This thread is amazing. The refinement/evolution.... this is just very entertaining to watch
  18. Yeah, I would recommend using a different image host too. Best to not expose the sites younger members to that stuff. As far as the hatch goes make sure that its not intersecting any of the models mesh, it looks pretty close from what I could tell from the pic. Also I think the airlock box needs to be larger, try scaling it up so its big enough to fit a Kerbal in it. It may be possible to have them work and be smaller, but I have never been able to get small airlock boxes to work correctly.
  19. The ladders are an issue, that's part of the reason why I made Liltrak with the hatch that is right off the back side. That angle on the rear of the collision mesh of the Bigtrak was put there just for ladders, without it if you tried to climb up ladders that were placed on the back you couldn't get on the bed, you would just fall back down to the ground. Anyone have any input on whether to leave it ladder-less or to add a permanent ladder? I was hesitant to tack any permanent ladders on since I think that eliminates some of the freedom the game gives when building things. Also a permanent ladder could get in the way of attachments on the back or front. There would always be that one time you went to visit some other planet, landed, went on EVA and then realized you forgot to add a ladder to get back in. In that case I suppose you could roll the Bigtrak on its side somehow
  20. Thanks Black2216 , the Bigtrak uses Tosh's Cart Plugin which is currently on version 1.33. Things are a bit confusing currently since there are two versions that are on the front page. One is a work in progress that lets you eva and the other is an old version that will not let you eva. Here is the link to the Bigtrak that has EVA capabilities: http://www.rustedjunk.com/crap/KSP_Bigtrak_alpha.zip Speaking of the link ^, I just updated the alpha download, it now flies straight maltesh The new Bigtrak is a one piece Cart/Command Pod (thanks 6677 and Tosh) that uses a lightly modded Cart 1.33 plugin and has been updated to use the .mu format which makes it 1.5mb smaller in file size. Brake lights are not working yet (axis issues) and the collision mesh is still a little loose but it may or may not get tightened up. Nova posted that models with multiple unjoined parts cause performance issues and this thing already at 20 parts for all the bits that are needed for the Cart and Airlock support. We will see though, it would be nice to have some back side rail collision so the Kerbals don't walk off the bed and into wheels.
  21. Safely, now that's a funny word Small update, I've tweaked Tosh's Cart Plugin a bit by changing that one line that you specified a while back 6677. So now the modified version of the Cart plugin will support Bigtraks and LilTraks as command pod/Carts. Had to change a couple of classes names and around 25 calls to the class so that it would work correctly with the new context menu thing that was added with 1.33. Now just need to tighten up the Bigtrak collision model and add some ladders and slap the LilTrak together and it should be good for a release by this weekend or maybe sooner. Just in case anyone is wondering the tweaked Cart plugin that the Bigtrak will now use is named differently than the standard cart plugin so they can be used side by side how 6677 had it set up. This will prevent plugin issues if Tosh releases a new version and I forget to update it. (ie. like the post in the Cart thread a bit ago)
  22. I would stick with SolidWorks if your familiar with it and then just use other modeling programs to convert/texture/etc. I use an ancient version of Zmodeler for most of what I make since I'm used to it, then things get moved through Blender or Lightwave for conversion. If I had to suggest something I would stress learning something main stream like Max or Lightwave. Learning new modeling programs can take a large investment of time, so if your going to learn something make it something that would like nice on a resume.
  23. Double posting with some screeny goodness of lil' trak. I got board of working on converting the Bigtrak to .mu and Cart 1.33 and ended up making this guy instead. Posted this in IRC but figured I might as well add the pics here too. Its about half the size of the Bigtrak and will carry two claustrophobic Kerbals in their misadventures. I may make a smaller 3 leaf Cuttlefish and single crewpod, or maybe a skycrane since they seem to be the in thing right now for its lander
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