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Everything posted by Ezriilc

  1. mike9606, Were you ever able to view our site and/or get a copy of HyperEdit? I haven't heard back from you since your report, but I see that you visited the forum again today, so I'm hoping you've got what you need. If not, please let me know, and I'll make it happen.
  2. Recent reports that our website is down, or having problems, are false. As of October 29, 2013: www.KerbaltekAerospace.com is fully functional, and has had exactly zero downtime since its inception in June of 2013. The current version of HyperEdit works with KSP v0.22. All downloads, information and support can always be found on our site.
  3. Sorry, but it's just you. Our servers are in Utah, and it's working fine for me near the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. If you continue to have problems, please PM me with the error message you're getting, and your public IP address so I can find you in the logs. I can email you a copy of HyperEdit if you like.
  4. The current version of HyperEdit, v1.2.4.2, works with KSP v0.22. I will also update our page to reflect this.
  5. Good News Everyone! I've tested the latest version of HyperEdit with the recent update to KSP, and it works, but I didn't try everything. Hopefully, all is well. If not, please let me know.
  6. [TABLE=class: grid] [TR] [TD]Ship[/TD] [TD]PMV_Kolossus_x5 [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Mass (m)[/TD] [TD]207,280 kg[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Speed (v)[/TD] [TD]145.1 m/s[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Momentum (p)[/TD] [TD]30,076,328 m/s kg (Ns)[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Almost no clipping at all, and boy was this a pain to get into the water. I'm beginning to hate that rule again, but the one limiting parts might be good. I could just keep adding hulls to this rig and drive the score higher. Then the winner may just be whomever has more video RAM. Limiting the number of parts without giving up performance in any category seems to be the holy grail for KSP in general, once other skills are learned, that's where I always gravitate back to. Perhaps doing a certain task with the least number of parts, or under an limit. Good luck! A word of advice: Drag below the water-line is killing you.
  7. Anyone else having problems downloading KSP v0.22? I'm getting about 20-kilobits per second on average. At this rate, it'll be tomorrow. [cry-baby-face] If anyone asks me when the next HyperEdit update is coming, they'd better include an updated copy of KSP. Question: Does anyone know how many copies of KSP have been sold so far?
  8. That's truly awesome. Yesss, some competition. Now I've got a challenge. Nice work. By my experience, getting a thing moving faster is an very efficient way to impart energy - certainly up to terminal velocity. Oh, I hope we're not scaring anyone off. Maybe this is just too easy for them and we're just pissing up a rope...
  9. I've applied The Creator's suggested changes, and the results seem to work fine. Users can now either use Si metric multipliers or not, the system can deal. In most cases, numbers will be displayed without them, unless the user has added one to it already. The plan is to make this more intuitive, eventually. The new updated version, HyperEdit for KSP 0.21.1, is now available on our Downloads page. As always, please test it for bugs, and report any you find - thanks! Thanks to kypheria for the suggestion!
  10. Here's a cool overhead map showing the J.A. Jones shipyard where some Liberty Ships were built. I did QA for a heavy ship-board equipment manufacturer there in the 1990s. We built the aircraft elevators for the Charles de Gaulle (R91) aircraft carrier, and some other cool stuff for the US Navy.
  11. I once built a ship that had over 1500 parts. Even though it's just plain text, picture how LONG that file is...
  12. She's lovely - graceful looking. I like the modular aspect of it, and I do look forward to getting my grubby little fingers on her. I once worked in a building in Georgia that was allegedly used to help build some of the Liberty Ships. Mind you, I'm working on making the PMV_Kolossus amphibious, so you may want to up your game by a couple orders of magnitude. About .craft files, I believe you're WAY over thinking it. These files are nothing more than plain text with no coding in them, so they can be posted just about anywhere, like the Contact form on my website, or via direct email. Just open the .craft file as plain text, and then copy and paste the contents into the Message box. Easy as cake! One could even post them on this forum, but it would just make a mess. The PM system here is certainly an option, but it's less convenient. Here's a sample .craft file with just 1 part. I'm using the CODE tag here to preserve whitespace indents. ship = Ship_SAMPLE_Title version = 0.21.1 description = A single Cubic Octagonal Strut, my newest favorite part. type = SPH PART { part = strutCube_4294831744 partName = Part pos = 0,5,0 rot = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068 attRot = 0,0,0,1 mir = 1,1,1 istg = 0 dstg = 0 sidx = -1 sqor = -1 attm = 0 EVENTS { } ACTIONS { } }
  13. Excellent idea, and I think I understand how to do it. I'll try to get an update out for that in the next couple of days. Thanks!
  14. Not at all. That's actually a very good question that I didn't know the answer to yet, so I did some checking and this is what I learned. I could be wrong about some of this, but I'm pretty sure of it. What HyperEdit is setting, "Universal Time", is the cumulative number of in-game seconds since the current KSP saved game file was originally started. The number just keeps rising the longer you play that save. https://github.com/Anatid/XML-Documentation-for-the-KSP-API/blob/master/Planetarium.cs A full Kerbin day is 6 hours long, or 21600 seconds, and a year is 9203545. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Kerbin The current Year, Day, Hour and Minute of a save can be seen in KSP's "Continue Saved Game" menu, and the exact UT value is in the "persistent.sfs" file. Making note of the current time before loading the save is an easy way to keep track. You need to calculate the number of seconds since you started that save, and then add/subtract to that in order to achieve the desired change to the current day and time. If I'm not mistaken, that's: (Years * 9203545) + (Days * 21600) + (Hours * 3600) + (Minutes * 60). WARNING, it's best to move forward in time rather than backwards, especially if you're just trying to make it daytime for a launch. I've discovered that if you set a time to the past during an active flight, the MET clock and the UT clock get out of sync, causing the MET clock to count backwards and preventing some ship controls, like toggling SAS from working - making it un-fly-able. To correct the problem, set the time to a point after the launch of the current flight. If your MET clock is going backwards (I think it's actually just failing to show the negative sign), then you need to go... back to the future. This is something I think HyperEdit should present a lot better, and I'll add it to my list. I'd like to see a window showing the current days, hours, minutes and seconds, as well as any changes that have been made, in a calendar/clock format for ease of use. Could someone please check all my information and work here? The chances of me getting all this right seem slim. I hope this helps!
  15. I'm sorry you miss them. Perhaps you could elaborate on how you used them and why they're important to you? I haven't heard any arguments in favor of them from anyone yet. Maybe there's a way to implement them in a way that works better than it did, and still fits your needs.
  16. Well then, throw out all of my records. I guess it belongs to Nao. I assumed "no mods" meant nothing that could affect the speed of the craft. IRL, boat races have nothing to do with the trailer they get delivered on, AFAIK. Just sayin'.
  17. It's lonely being at the top of both challenges!
  18. Yay, competition! seanth should update his OP with the new rules. You gotta "drive" it to the water on a "trailer", and get a shot of that too, which is proving to be quite the challenge, but I've got a ship in the works...
  19. That depends on what you mean by "survive". That shot is, of course, at the moment it has run out of solid fuel and the craft is at its lightest, therefore fastest. At those speeds, the sudden loss of thrust causes it to promptly nose in, rapidly disassemble, and recycle itself along with its pilot. However, while the fuel is burning, the thing is amazingly steady. That's what leads me to think one could go faster, if you could figure out how to burn longer without messing up the balance, drag, TWR, etc.. I've uploaded the .craft file to my page, and I'm going to make a video of a complete run and put that up there too. Help yourself!
  20. Very true, but they don't explode over 10m/s. That's why I'd like to see your .craft files. But by my experience, the drag when those parts are in the water is just monstrous, and seems to make high speeds impossible. I'll add: - I try to keep it under 5 m/s at entry, cuz KSP is just itching for a chance to blow up your stuff. - The Westerly (starting) end of the runway has a much shorter ramp to the ground, but the terrain from there to the beach can be rough in places. - Not sure about others, but my brakes seem to operate on a bit of a delay. Holding the "b" button long enough causes them to lock up completely and then sometimes(!) take quite a long time to release. This can make gentle braking a very difficult thing to master, or even impossible to predict. Reverse and directional thrusters can be very useful when keyed to Action Groups. I'm fine with all that!
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