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Everything posted by Kryten

  1. That's not a 'finding', we've known about it since Pheonix. Nice to have confirmation, though.
  2. It's an RTG, not a nuclear reactor. No neutron radiation or fission products to worry about. The only way it could cause release of radioactive materials is if the whole thing gets blown open.
  3. No it isn't. Even the initial estimate was 3% to impact, and it only went down from there.
  4. Or, if you've gone for your 'size of a fighter plane' idea, just wait for the pilot to die horribly from the intense neutron radiation. Electronics would barely do better.
  5. Yes, at least in any way remotely like P and F tried and your average 'LENR' guy continues to advocate for. Fusion simply isn't going to happen at anything remotely resembling room temperature or pressure without some kind of catalyst, and the kind of things that catalyse fusion take more energy to create than you'd ever be able to get out.
  6. LENR is the term cold fusion advocates started using for the process after the phrase 'cold fusion' itself became a joke. There's no difference.
  7. No. You would need the kind of figures they thought they had, you're not going to just find a metal that has an extra 23 orders of magnitude of deuterium adsorption capability.
  8. Two issues; A) The atoms supposed to be fused together are deuterium atoms, which do have neutrons. No it shouldn't. F and P decided it should because they calculated the decreased spacing to have the same effect as about 1027 atmospheres of pressure; however, they'd messed up their calculations, badly. The actual figure is about 10,000.
  9. Nuclei with multiple protons and no neutrons are physically impossible. Cold fusion a la Fleishmann and Pons uses heavy water, and is supposedly deuterium-deuterium and/or deuterium-protium.
  10. Frogs aren't terribly common on the khazak steppes, but I'd watch out for some of these fellows;
  11. Are you absolutely sure about that time? The service tower hasn't even been retracted yet. I think somebody forgot to take summer time into account.
  12. Coverage has started at TsENKI. They may or may not provide commentary and/or extra information, whether they do appears to be effectively random.
  13. Right, no signs of a transitional plan. Nothing to see here.
  14. Would anyone like to hazard a guess as to how much more Mr. Superior First Worlder here consumes than the average chinese person? Ten times? Twelve? Where do you think all of those 'consumed' raw materials are going? They're being turned into useless gadgets and shipped to people like you, the drivers of demand; who then proceed to throw them away when next year's model arrives, before using said model to complain about how all of the world's problems are everybody's fault except your own. After which, incidentally, last years model is probably going to be either re-used or recycled by someone in China.
  15. And a single 10 year average obviously eliminates the trend from about 1750 onwards... Again, 'climate'. Look it up.
  16. Well, try thinking of it like this. Thanks to Einstein, we know that a change in the energy content of a body means a change in it's mass; E=MC2 and all that. So the body emitting the photon must have a lower mass, and so a change in momentum. Momentum is conserved, so the photon must have some momentum of it's that it's carried off. Change in momentum=impulse on the body.
  17. Given this thing is going to the ISS, there's essentially no possibility of it not being on nasa tv.
  18. That's not terribly likely. The gulf stream is a very robust system, even pretty extreme variations would be likely to weaken it somewhat rather than stop it. Most simulations show enough warning to do that results in net temperature increase over Europe anyway.
  19. Valve are apparently revealing their steambox, or whatever they plan to call it, next week. They'll need some well-hyped exclusives to get them selling, if you know what I mean...
  20. Do you even know what 'climate' is?
  21. No he didn't. With the amount of IR radiation the earth's atmosphere absorbs before hitting the surface, I can see that happening pretty easily.
  22. ... There's a full-sized model of one on public display in Disneyland. There are plenty of drawings, plans, photos, and a few actual prototype landers kicking about.
  23. There's also the part where all of this complicated heat-exchange machinery becomes pointless the moment you have to actually apply some delta-vee.
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