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Posts posted by Kryten

  1. There\'s 3 countries in total that have not officialy adopted the metric system. Every other country uses it.

    And one of them, Burma is planning to switch.

    That leaves The US and.. Liberia, a country very heavily influenced by the US, and founded by US citizens.

  2. You are familiar that the term 'learning disabilities' can cover many, many things right?

    I wasn\'t-here in Britain, it\'s the current official euphemism for \'retarded\'-looking it up, what you mean is what we would call leaning difficulties.

    Are you familiar with that certain phrase of 'Minecraft is the <noun> incarnate' or 'Minecraft players are all <noun>'

    I\'ve never seen it-it\'s probably not as common as you think.

  3. Just in case there are Minecraft players with learning disabilities here, because it seems that the sarcasm content of my posts are completely missed!

    If you\'ve not encountered someone who is genuinely that stupid, you are a very lucky man.

  4. Your beloved aerospace sector works in metric, you idiot. Hard Drives are all made in metric units as well, the inches are approximate. What your country did 50 years ago is irrelevant-anything still made by standards that old is backward. Even your \'Middle Eastern...people murdering each other\' all use metric units, and the only African stand-out is Liberia, a de facto ex US colony.

    You realise Maddox is satire, right? He doesn\'t believe a single word he says.

    If you think social security is the opposite of socialism, then you clearly haven\'t the faintest idea what socialism is.

    And, of course, 1940\'s Russia, home of \'industry will solve everything\'-obviously anti technological.

  5. A user of the metric system won\'t be able to tell you decameters and decimetres because they simply aren\'t used by most people at all-it would be like deciding the imperial system is completely unworkable because you don\'t know how many gallons are in a hogshead, or how many feet are in a furlong.

    The spellcheck doesn\'t even recognise \'decametres\' as a word, that\'s how rare it is.

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