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Posts posted by Kryten

  1. Kryten: I dunno how you did that.

    Same rocket launching my payload (which is slightly bigger, but that THAT much) a 2 tank 1st stage gets to 20k without boosters and 35k with 6 boosters.

    If I swap the 4x engines for Bertha, it gets to 40k.

    rate up and out on 2 tanks pretty easy.

    What kind of throttle settings are you using? It needs about 30% thrust with the boosters, but after that it needs about 80%-if your first stages are all similar to the rocket you posted earlier-the small engines combined with large tanks-then thrust could be your issue-you\'re taking it too slow.

  2. I haven\'t made any huge rockets in a while, so I recreated one from a previous version, complete with TMI/Slowdown stage and Lander/Return stage.

    Here it is on the pad;


    And here it is in orbit, boosted horizontally solely by its evidentially-not-useless second stage.


    First stage apogee-88KM

    Looking it this, it seems you need;

    -Relatively large first stage, but too large-diminishing returns (and make sure it has enough thrust)

    -Smaller second stage-but still quite big

    -relatively small later stages.

  3. The thrust to weight ratios on most of the engines are very good.

    LV-T300: 122

    Large Bertha: 203

    For comparison:

    NK-33(N-1 engine): 137

    Just to point out, the NK-33 has the high T/W ratio of any engine that isn\'t just a lab curiosity, by a significant margin-if the ratios of these engines are higher than that, you can\'t really call them \'low\'.

  4. @NS

    I\'m experiencing problems with landing on the Mun using your parts. My lander veers all over the place while trying to slow it down. SAS trying to keep the craft straight up, but the moment I turn up the engine it starts to tilt until it\'s just spinning and falling. Does this with gimballing on and off. Any ideas?

    I\'ve not had that problem-if you post a picture of your lander, it might help with narrowing down the problem.

    Also, are you using X1 or X2?

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