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Posts posted by Kryten

  1. Thanks. But my question/challenge was whether it could be done with all standard parts?

    I will try again with the standard decoupler, but I suspect it will take some precise flying to successfully achieve orbit. Maybe someone else is interested in taking on the challenge too?

    It\'s been done with no decoupler at all (or parachute)-this saves enough fuel for a powered landing. I haven\'t seen it done in the latest version, but there\'s no reason to believe that it\'s now impossible, especially with the extra ~200m/s from Kerbin\'s rotation.

  2. Is there a trick to getting the PLF bits to detach? When I attach the 2m cone pieces directly on the straight PLF decoupler, they don\'t come off when the decoupler is fired.

    You need to put the PLF decouplers in the stage where you want them to decouple, not the decoupler that they\'re attached to.

  3. I noticed that in some satellites maps. (Global 2d image with a satellites orbit path) The satellites had a squiggly line orbit over the earth, not in a straight line. How do i 'BREAK' out of a straight line orbit into a curved or crooked looking one?

    This is due to the fact that a map is distorted compared to the actual planet-a straight line over a globe becomes a curved line on a map.

  4. I mean enviromental wise. If it is habitable then who knows what the locals have done. Asteroid impact, global warming, lot\'s of things can happen.

    I mean that we have no way of knowing if those things happened millions of years ago, never mind at the current time-we don\'t even know if this planet has a solid surface, never mind a habitable one-any environmental factors are completely unknown.

  5. Parts. Without cfg editing they all break/explode etc in water at a certain point. It is not possible to achieve something higher than that without cheating.

    A point that has not yet been reached-and why does the stuff about hydrofoils invalidate it being tricky? And

    \'It does not, however require any energy to replicate the only working design.\'
    could apply to any other challenge as well.
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