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Posts posted by Kryten

  1. Because all jobs are open. Sure, if you can\'t read, they won\'t let you be a doctor, but you don\'t need to spend twenty extra years in school to get a better job. It\'s just that lower-level jobs are easier, and the slackers would do them and face the consequences. However, if you work hard at your job, you will be rewarded.

    But you do need to spend twenty years in school to be a doctor, in any real sense of the term-unless you want your medical staff being unskilled labour. It usually isn\'t the case that lower level jobs are easier, but they are the best that a person can get-jobs like fry cook and janitor are often considered some of the worse-because, despite what you seem to think think, people don\'t like mindless drudgery.

  2. Because a fry cook just flips burgers to feed people. A lawyer is an active participant in the Law, and works dilligently to keep his country just. Remember, it\'s not work value, it\'s contribution.

    So some people\'s work is inherently more valuable? How is that supposed to result in \'no fatcats\'?

    How is this different at all? The people with upper class jobs get more goods than those with lower class jobs. You\'ve just replaced money with \'levels\'.

    You could buy so many things a day/month/year. Maybe, with my idea, we could keep things we NEED free, and make things we WANT level-based.

    You could just do that by setting up a welfare state-no \'levels\' necessary.

  3. where\'d you get those short struts? (like the one that tank is mounted on, at an angle) They look shorter than the standard probodyne struts, and they look a bit different.

    There from the latest version of Probodobodyne-Silisko changed the model, and added a shorter strut.

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