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Everything posted by Kryten

  1. Stream is now live, showing countdown rather than looped video. Should have video soon. About twenty minutes to go.
  2. Corrente está trabalhando agora, embora requer o Internet Explorer ... Três horas até o lançamento. http://www.lit.inpe.br/aovivo
  3. Launch is from the Taiyuan launch centre in northern China, carrying the Chinese-Brazilian CBERS-4 satellite for Brazil. CBERS-4 is an earth observation satellite intended to measure environmental conditions and changes in Brazilian territory (e.g. deforestation in the Amazon), and is a replacement for the identical CBERS-3 lost in a launch failure last year. The launch is to be streamed by INPE (the Brazilian space agency) here; note the stream will only, as far as I can tell, work on internet explorer. Launch time is to be 3:23 UCT/GMT.
  4. Not terribly safe-NOX can be very unstable at the kind of temperatures and/or pressures used in rocketry, and rubber fuel can break off in chunks. If a chunk blocks your nozzle, you're not going to be having a good day.
  5. It doesn't have any-it uses RTG's. If it did have solar panels, they'd get roughly 1/900 the power they would in earth orbit.
  6. It's here; or rather it isn't, right now. Launch time=3:26 UTC. I'm not going to bother making a separate thread unless it starts working again.
  7. You might get another today; China is launching a Brazilian sat in 6 hours, and the Brazilians are webcasting it. I say 'may' because the site is already down...
  8. Muitas pessoas estão tentando acessá-lo, e que o servidor está sobrecarregado. Eles podem não ser capaz de corrigi-lo antes do lançamento ...
  9. Moors were up to southern France at points, the south was just their last stronghold.
  10. Alguém sabe onde encontrar um fluxo diferente http://www.lit.inpe.br/aovivo ? Parece ter sido sobrecarregada.
  11. Os russos não gostam de trabalhar com sólidos muito. Eles não usam propulsores sólidos em mísseis balísticos até o final dos anos 60 e nunca tê-los usado em veículos lançadores (exceto conversões de mísseis )
  12. You need uneven weight distribution yes, but not necessarily ballast. AFAIK it's just equipment.
  13. Isto não é suportado absurdo conspiracist. Rússia não têm sequer sólidos deste tamanho na década de 50.
  14. Soyuz is also self righting, as demonstrated by Soyuz 5.
  15. You don't know until you try. It varies from chip to chip due to variation in manufacturing; I don't mean model to model, literally chip to chip.
  16. It's usually pointless, any attempt is just proof of the conspiracy.
  17. Pacific is the plan for operational flights; bigger margin of error.
  18. Soyuz has hit that due to issues during re-entry, most recently TMA-11.
  19. Bits of ablative nozzle coating. Became visible because the plume widens under the lower pressure at high altitude.
  20. Use the media stream; http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/media_flash.html#.VIGd_jGsVCg
  21. As long as they keep the same kind of design philosophy as they used with Atlas V, costs for man-rating should be minimal. There were already so many sensors and redundant components in A-V that man-rating for CCDEV took less than $7 million.
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