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Everything posted by Pawelk198604

  1. Sorry BTW i wonder how my kerbal survived reentry without head-shield?
  2. I hoped i will able to play 1.o today, i work most of the weak, today i have day-off and hoped to enjoy ksp
  3. Thanks for necrioposting my old thread I was about to post something similar again, i love space despite i probably never fly into space on my own
  4. In Poland during communism and early very popular was this car http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat_126
  5. I known abut the sattelites, but i did not know that it was "explorer family" for me Explorer as is Sputnik are always associated with historical missions.
  6. I just learned that Explorer program which was American response to sputnik is still operational http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Explorers_program I used to think that it was ended long time ago
  7. Re-entry heat? so now we will be able to fry our kerbonaut? Sweat And what about this mach effect? So now flying will be more challenging? What speed will be mach 1 on Kerbin?
  8. Can someone involved in those test put some videos on youtube ui cannot wait
  9. I rewatch BBC documentary "Space Race" i wonder why US Government have put priority on Vanguard despite that Jupiter-C and Explorer satellite was better design.
  10. You're right because when such cop in a helicopter, you will lose control over the machine, it can end up a much greater tragedy than regular gunfire, because the helicopter can fall in a densely populated area. I myself once tried to fly a helicopter, of course, in the simulator, and it was much more difficult than piloting planes or even spacecraft. Here in Poland, our Criminal Code criminalizes all actions which threaten the security of transport: by road, rail, water or air
  11. Gentleman please i posted this on October I remember that was uproar in our Polish national tv news, old folks lamented how today polish kids are irresponsible and undisciplined, that under commie rule such thing was unthinkable, some journalist joked that at that time there was not handheld laser a said that kids in other countries also do things like that, and you have to explain to the kids what dangers they can cause.
  12. I recently watched american program about police car chase, BTW i noticed that Americans police love car chases I watched as a car thief stole the car, and then started a police chase him and then showed a police helicopter, a thief tried to temporarily blind a pilot using a laser pointer, but he was eventually caught, then came out for trying to glare the pilot laser threatens him more than a prison term for trying to steal a car, because it is , federal crime. I wonder it's true?
  13. I mean some structural part that allow us hold munar module beneath command module, i did not flow to mun long time but saturn like rocket was always problem for me, so i often used "Consetllation" style two rocket launch one for kerbals and one for Munar Module.
  14. Attention comrade this is actual footage of Munia 2 Munar impactor mission living symbol of spirit (or insanity, who know ) of working class of Kerbalkind :-)
  15. Just naming, but it would be handy have ksp video in separate dedicated folder
  16. videos recorded in other games are labeled in separate folders corresponding their name.
  17. Thanks for video, this was 85% so i wonder does there was ever 99 % or even 100% eclipse :-)
  18. Apparently it was a total eclipse, but the brightness of the court was the same as always at this time of the day, I wonder if I will ever in Poland such eclipse that was dark as night, just pitch dark. I remember as a best friend and my cousin watched the eclipse of Sun in 1999, my father was a construction worker colleague so that each of us got our welding glass, so that we could watch the eclipse without fear that we damage our vision, But even then, the sun shield wasn't fully covered by Moon As for the last eclipse, unfortunately, I could not watch it because I was at work
  19. In short, let's play recorded of certain a game, and that comes from playing music is louder than my voice :-( Is it possible to amplify the volume of my voice in an already finished recording, I used "ShadowpPlay"
  20. I bought GTX 750 GPU but i have some problem because my outdated CPU Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 @2.66 Ghz
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