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Everything posted by Pawelk198604

  1. For some time, I wanted to do this movie, this way I wanted to celebrate the release of 0.17
  2. You are not alone "Buzz Aldrin Race into Space" is the best, that game triggered my interest in astronautic, there is no other games similar to that, but that can change quickly, because one small developer studio "Wastelands Interactive" from Poland, my country plans to make similar game. http://games.gamepressure.com/game_info.asp?ID=15975 Release date has already been moved several times, but the work is still going on supposedly, so it is a hope In my humble opinion, they should do so as did, "Squad" with KSP, open testing, give people chance to play in alpha release.
  3. When I was a kid I played passionately in the game I liked it very much. I would like to know does anyone played this game, and what do you think about it.
  4. I feel a little cheated, i built decent rocket, but my capsule lose RCS fuel tank and parachute, that i attached to top of capsule, i lose in unexplained way, when i send capsule into interplanetary travel to Duna. I don't have problem when i send it to Mun and Minmus. I used my modifed Mun rocket
  5. Really this engine works i managed to crash land on Duna, with small help form MechJeb :-) I wonder when they add ION engines.
  6. This engine have thrust only 60, what it's advantage over other engines?
  7. When will any patch, auto-land doesn't work, and orbital transfer menu not showing the new planet and i really want make flyby to Mars that mean Duna ;-)
  8. Today i finally get my hand on KSP 0,17 for which I've been waiting so long I wanted to test IVA, but when i activated it i noticed that camera is located under the kerbonauts, i wanted to knew did is able to control camera during IVAs.
  9. I can not wait to SimCity 2013, this is probably the best city-building simulator in the world :-)
  10. I recently downloaded Down Under Parts, I assembled the Ausplane, now i thinking with rocket use to send it to orbit.
  11. Congratulations, but I know from personal experience that traditional rockets are better.
  12. Could anyone give me a link to download mini shuttle that i can put on the top of the rocket? similar to that http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d1/Dream_Chaser_Atlas_V_Integrated_Launch_Configuration.jpg someone give me this link earlier
  13. Does anyone watched tv series "Secret adventures of Julies Verne" Watch the ending scene
  14. You say you watched a few episodes of DS9, it's pity because real action started in the third season, when federation made first contact with Dominium
  15. As a child, I watched the TV series "Star Trek : The Next Generation" when it was still too difficult for me to understand. I grow up my love for this series began again I saw "Star Trek: Enterpise" I still like it, though many fans consider it the weakest of the series. Which Star Trek is your favorite?
  16. I noticed that MechJeb has it's own program language, I never used this feature, but I wonder if it could be programmed to launch capsule to Minimus using Mun as gravity assist, it can be helpful in 0.17 when will be more planets and moons.
  17. Justin Bieber me to That's why I created this topic, but I did not want to be biased
  18. I mean who you will put on you rocket first test flight, if you can replace kerbonaut for celebrities, Sorry for English
  19. Once I builded, the space plane which has reached more than 120 km, during one test even 130 km. It will be great if I can transfer that project from SPH to VAB
  20. Thanks :-) Speaking about 0.17 I'm dying to test it, but I hope that my old rocket*will fly. To be honest, more than flights to other planets, I'm interested in the space station, I hope that someday we will can assemble the space station in orbit, such as Mír or ISS, if we could be build also working space shuttle with docking port would be a dream come true
  21. I think about record launch of my "Mun Express" in fraps and play in background "Where My Heart Will Take Me" my favorite song, which lyrics are my personal moto, but i think i'll wait until release 0.17 to record some scenes during IVAs , if of course my rocket will fly in 0.17 i i heard that some user have problems with rockets created in previous version of KSP Edit: where i can download these Nova Pack?
  22. Let's be honest my Space Shuttle isn't the best i hope that in update 0.17 will be easier to design space shuttle, speaking about shuttle can you recommend my good mod for space shuttle, parts, etc? What do you think about me mun rocket, I put a lot of work into it, perhaps a month, when i finally landed i singed in my mind that song
  23. I guess for now I'll give it a rest with the design space shuttles and wait for the next update, maybe will add some tools to help you design the space shuttle, for now I go back to normal rockets, thanks for help. I tried to copy your solution but it I did not work out. I tried another project I attached my new project together with my Mun rocket, The mun rocket working perfectly fine i'm not so bad designer as can look , but i use MechJeb on launch phase
  24. Thank you very much, I decided to include your patch to my project, but I have a question how to connect fuel lines to engine, i can do it upward, but i cannot do it downward???? is anny mod helping with crating fuel lines????
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