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Everything posted by Pawelk198604

  1. How to enable Phase angle display in mechjeb 2, how sent interplanetary probe?
  2. It's sucks shuttle docking port doesn't fit to clamp o tron:(, i think i just stick with regular Mk1-2 Command Pod, it easier to control.
  3. MechJeb fail in re-entry, the high orbit reentry is suck instead making de-orbit burn on opposite side of planets, MechJeb 2 dp it's very close to landing target, it's stupid and it's have loot of G force
  4. Yes i want relative speed indicator, I post in wrong place i want to put suggestion for next update
  5. I mean to be possible make docking approach without mechjeb. Now i using RVEL+ RVEL- I really love that, but will me nice if we have additional indicator
  6. It was probably hard to breathe to you, huh Did you have pilot license? If I had the money, I would make the pilot license
  7. I heard that Apollo Astronauts have endured 7 G during reentry phase, it's quite lot, it's probably speed in returning from moon it so high. I wonder does when space tourism become reality, the scientist find way to reduce Gees on return from Moon trip
  8. The SLS even look Saturn V, i mean black and white painting:)
  9. I'm and i'm proud of it:-) I also have AS. It's bit ironic because at school i have lot of problem with math, i just hated it, but on other hand i love physic. I never liked math equations, but I liked experimenting physical, chemical, etc. When, i first time played i feel like BSDM enthusiast, It's a joke I need to refresh my knowledge of celestial mechanic form my high school, frankly it's the only branch of mathematics that I liked and understand a bit.
  10. I glad that Orion spacecraft was intact in US budget cut. I thought, "It's f.ing(in positive sense ) Apollo spacecraft, I'm big fan of Apollo program, i reading all about Apollo Program" Yaeh, You can call me space nerd :-)
  11. I thought that President Obama canceled the Orion Program
  12. I think previous version was more user friendly, but the new one has lot cool functions
  13. When I used TiberDyne Shuttle and MechJeb 2 the shuttle was always launched to much to north so set mechjeb to -15 inclination to make sure it will be launched on 0 inclination, but now i see that the -15 is too much -13 will be perfectly fine.
  14. Thanks, but I was thinking of something different, but now i figured out how to fix it's:-)
  15. I recently read about NASA planing to send unnamed Orion capsule on free return trajectory to the Mun oh i mean Moon :-) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploration_Mission_1 I think presided Obama scrubbed Orion program Do you think Saturn V size rocket will ever return, I would do anything to be able to fly a Saturn V rocket, even as if it was the last thing in my life. I wonder how many G Apollo astronaut experienced during launch phase.
  16. I need link to heading diagram, how to set proper launch heading, i need to see in graphic. I know how it's work but i need to remember. PS. O have problem withh DiberDyne Space Shuttle i lauch it via mechjeb 2 to equatorial orbit, but Shuttle Final it's inclined 15 degrees to north, i think i set it to minus 15 degree, the shuttle will be launched on proper 90 degree heading:-)
  17. I noticed that MechJeb 2 send my to orbit inclination 15 despite i set it to 0. I think it's not mechjeb 2 fault but Shuttle itself.
  18. Tiberdine Shuttle is Sucks and so on MechJeb2, when i launched shuttle using MechJeb 2 i set target, but the MechJeb put me on wrong inclination, i aligned the orbit, make approach and using the mechjeb 2 to dock, RCS fuel was run out, while i have 15,5 m from docking port i'm very pissed off
  19. I already do this but nothing has changed
  20. I want change shuttle cockpit, but i didn't knew the file name
  21. I want change shuttle cockpit, but i didn't knew the file name
  22. Witch part.cfg, it's quite lot of them and i want to knew which one
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