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Everything posted by Pawelk198604

  1. I also do not believe in these conspiracy theories. As for rule against hoaxes i din't knew that.
  2. Many people believe that lunar landing never occurred, how to convince them that people were on the moon When i talk with my friend about Apollo program, he told me that he watched movie about Stanley Kubrick, filmed all landings in film studio. I heard that earlier but i do not believe in this.
  3. To bad Enterprise has cool moments too:)
  4. I remember similar ethical plot in Voyager, where Tuvok an Nelix was merged together in transporter accident, and Tuvix was created but captain Janeway decided to kill him to restore Tuvok and Nelix. I hated her for that. Yet another example was "Similitude" from ENT where captain archer decided to create clone to save Trip. But Trip clone was living sentient being yet archer decided to kill him to save Trip. As for Kira, she is without a doubt a terrorist, you right today after 9/11 bombing in London and Madrid, nobody will make tv show about noble terrorists that fights for good cause.
  5. What do you think about this episode of DS9. In this episode capitain Sisko fired bio weapon on Maquis colony, i think Sisko overstepped his authority to capture Eddington, and commit crime himself. I does not understand why the crew listened to him at all. After all, solider have the right and duty to refuse to perform a criminal order, i doubt that changed in future
  6. I like to read about the Apollo Moon missions, I have always wondered why astronauts returned from the moon were quarantined, after all on moon has no living organisms.
  7. From what I know of my country, Poland was the only country in the Eastern bloc, which showed live landing and Neil Armstrong's first words on the moon. My mother told me that the landing on the moon watching with her sister my aunt, because she had tv, apparently the whole family and neighbors gathered at my aunt's small apartment to watch the first landing on the moon. I once watched an interview with the old journalists, our Polish public television. Apparently, the head of the Polish Television, BTW dedicated communist, in the 60's decided that TVP will broadcast the Apollo 11 landing despite the strong objections of our beloved neighbor, the Soviet Union. The guy then he lost his job, is still working on TV but not as a director. Apparently he said that landing on the moon is too great events in human history to not be broadcast, and that he will not deprive Polish viewers of the event, because Soviets inferiority complex. Making Poland only Eastern Block country that made live broadcast of Apollo 11
  8. I had a similar situation, when i used Ascent autopilot on lunar module to make timed launch to make dock with command module on Munar orbit, the mechjeb sent my in opposite direction 180 while CSM was on 90:(
  9. But things are going well, I think it will be success, and rocket itself looking quite Kerbal
  10. From what i knew they work on new rocket the SLS that will be even more powerful than Saturn V
  11. I once watched an interview with the old journalists, our Polish public television. Apparently, the head of the Polish Television, btw dedicated communist, in the 60's decided that TVP will broadcast the Apollo 11 landing despite the strong objections of our beloved neighbor, the Soviet Union. The guy then he lost his job, is still working on TV but not as a director. Apparently he said that landing on the moon is too great events in human history to not be broadcast, and that he will not deprive Polish viewers of the event, because Soviets inferiority complex. Making Poland only Eastern Block that made live broadcast of Apollo 11.
  12. Does anybody remember website called "SimNasa"
  13. And what was you first thought From what I know of my country, Poland was the only country in the Eastern bloc, which showed live landing and Neil Armstrong's first words on the moon. My mother told me that the landing on the moon watching her sister and my aunt, because she television, apparently the whole family and neighbors gathered at my aunt's small apartment to watch the first landing on the moon.
  14. I wonder what real world space scientist think about ksp. As for me i learned more about celestial mechanic playing KSP and earlier Orbiter, than time spend in high school.
  15. I heard that actually Wesley return to Starfleet during Dominion War, so he's cameo appearance is explainable. I think all Star Trek fans will be "delighted" if will have new Star Trek and Wesley as Captain As for ENT i don't knew why people don't like it. I like it, especially the Enterprise CMO dr. Phlox, and Trip
  16. How about Star Trek: Captain Wesley Crusher As for ST:ENT i disagree, in my opinion it was pretty cool, especially the episodes about Surak, and volkan mindmeld
  17. I mean new Star Trek, taking place in times after DS9 & Voy Who would be you best choice for captain.
  18. In Poland was live transmission of Neil Armstrong lunar lading, my mom watch it in my aunt house, because she had TV, mom also told my that loot of my aunt neighbors come to her to watch Lunar Landing, so talking that in eastern block not showing Live from moon, it's not true
  19. I heard that Soviets, brand manned landing on Moon as needless risks of human life, that lunar sample can be obtained by unnamed probes without risk of human of life. I wondering does exist any articles presenting Russian opinion on Apollo programme missions.
  20. Thanks that help a lot, but does inter species relations, can be branded as bestiality
  21. When i watch Star Trek, i always wondering that Spock is half-human half-Vulcan. Or how it possible had illegitimate child with Bajoran women. Mass Effect the same story It is scientifically impossible for representatives of different species, which in addition are from other planets, and so different environment who are not with each other nothing in common in terms of genetic.
  22. Yeah that true, beside Jeb seem to be only in this trio who actually enjoy the ride
  23. I played BARIS many times now Aldrin lent his surname for another space game http://www.spacesector.com/blog/2013/02/buzz-aldrins-space-program-manager-coming-in-june/ I heard that Neil Armstrong humbleness was the reason that he was selected as commander and set first step on the Moon, i heard also about another key factor Neil Armstrong had personal tragedy he lost child and NASA officials was pity for him
  24. I once again watching HBO miniseries From The Earth to the Moon I heard that Aldrin thinking that on Gemini the pilot not commander do EVA
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