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Everything posted by Pawelk198604

  1. The system is on market almost 10 month i have since December an in my opinion, but i heard that many users hate it, mainly because it don have start menu. I had some problems to get used to it but i think new windows is really cool:)
  2. Właśnie patrzyłem w internecie na stare kapsuły Apollo, zacząłem się zastanawiać jak astronauci mogli pracować, spać, jeść, pić i robić inne rzeczy:D w takim ścisku i nie zwariować. Ostatnio wysłałem kerbonautów na przelot koło planety Eve i powrót, zastanawiałem się jak by wyglądał realu taki lot w kierunku np. Marsa, jak astronauci mogli by to wytrzymać.
  3. Recently i get update from NASA on my Facebook page, that NASA and Mattel company sending Barbie into space. http://news.investors.com/technology-click/080813-666973-mattel-doll-could-plant-the-seed-for-science-careers.htm This is so funny that I had to write something, do not know much about dolls, but just Barbie and space are terms that are mutually exclusive, for obvious reasons:D
  4. In high school I had a very cool physics teacher, he was able to explain everything even to the greatest dummy like my:) I once talked to him about Star Trek, he told me that it was very cool series, but it has shortcomings. For example, the sounds of firing a phaser in space, it should not be because in space there is no medium in which to be able propagate the sound.
  5. KSP is my favorite game despite fact that i'm rather lousy at math, and rocket science need loot of math but even i knew that sound in space should not propagate, because there is a vacuum, so why we hear the sound at high altitude? In my opinion above 30 Km engine shouldn't be heard.
  6. I've heard that Gene Roddenberry was impressed with the philosophy of Jacques Fresco, so he put in Star Trek.
  7. I've heard, that Gene Roddenberry when he created Star Trek took inspiration from Mr. Fresco ideas about resource-based economy and Venus Project. I wonder does those two visionaries ever meet in person.
  8. This is what I meant. If we could remove the negative aspects of autism, it would be cool People with autism will be always, the best mathematician and artist, are autistic, and most people want that their kids be genius, and that it's impossible without some dose of autism :-)
  9. I knew that warp capable space craft like this in Star Trek are impossible with make me sad:( But i wonder does we will have someday spacecrafts like this one in 2001 A Space Odyssey.
  10. Hey, I do not intend to liquidate any social group, I have Asperger's Syndrome and Autism by it, but I think that genetic engineering will allow us some time to eliminate the negative aspects of autism once and leaving the good ones. For now most AS spectrum persons look like augments from "DS9 Statistical Probabilities" episode:D PS. Lieutenant Reginald Barclay from TNG look as Asperger's person in my opinion
  11. Thanks, that's what I meant, the publishing frequency of previous updates, it appears that the next update will come out in October. I hope will have a career mode.
  12. We can not speculate about upcoming release date, but we can talk about previous update:D Does anyone have list of release date pf previous update.
  13. I saw this movie is good. I really liked how this guy cheated those doctor:). But the world does not have to be like this.
  14. I do not agree with you, I have autism in the form of Asperger's Syndrome, a relatively mild form. But I wanted me to be like the rest of the people.
  15. this bloody think can spoil half of hour of playing. When i hit F9 key the game take me back to moment before liftoff from Mun, despite the fact that i was about to dock command module to LM, and used F5 Key many times.
  16. Thanks:), Mun always was problem for me i send probe to Jool, kerbonauts to one way trip to Duna, and kerballed flyby to Eve, but landing on Mun was always hell like problem for me, I think new SAS was great help too.
  17. I mean almost i used it to dock CSM and LM on kerbin orbit i used stock lander which i put unkerbaled on Kerbin orbit, but my Munar rocket the Jool V is mine design:-) I plot the trans munar injection burn using NavNodes and MechJeb to perform it, but the landing i do myself using first person view from lander windows, i landed on first attempt, it was not my first manual landing but was long time since i do it by hand. I must admit that landing using IVAs is more easier than 3rd person view that my photo
  18. So you defy, mainly on the basis that ordinary people can not afford it., So no one should have access to this technology. A little silly type of reasoning, by way since I can not, no one can
  19. If it was the Second World War, who do you think would launch to the first satellite
  20. Roughly I know why Eugenic Wars and so on, but Dr. Bashir from DS9 is good despite fact he's been genetically engineered. But seriously. Do you think that genetic engineering should be prohibited, for example, increasing IQ, if so, why?
  21. I wonder does will have more realistic re-entry model, i mean for example limit durability of heat shield.
  22. I agree:D. I saw an episode of "From the Earth to the Moon" dedicated to the mission of Apollo 12, Pete Conrad reportedly was known for hot-blooded temperament and the fact that cursing like a sailor:-)
  23. Jeb is Kerbal badass there is no doubt of that, but to which astronaut or cosmonaut he's most similar.
  24. I wonder if this will affect the career mode
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