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Everything posted by Pawelk198604

  1. The rocket using MechJeb2 plugin https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bx2uGwZ4w808QWV4Y0FLbVdsMmM/edit?usp=sharing
  2. I mean a program that will teach me to to solve algebraic equations etc.
  3. I'm looking for a good program to learn mathematics at the level of middle school and high school. In Poland we have Szkoła podstawowa (Elementary school) Gimnazjium (middle school) and Liceum (High School). In every school I had problems with math, I just did not have the patience for it. My mission in Kerbal is mainly made by gut feeling:-) by trial and error. Could anyone recommend me a good program for math, but a really good one that will teach even the biggest dummy? (like myself:D ) In school, math was not my strong point, I was doing much better with physics (especially experiments)
  4. No, I can eat cheese, yogurt, sour milk. I just can not drink the sweet milk. I have Asperger's, I'm allergic to a lot of things as for food allergies I just can not drink milk. I once heard that allergy and Asperger syndrome usually are connected.
  5. I really like milk, even though I know I should not drink it. As drink it diarrhea is almost certain . I have quite a severe allergy to pollen. I know it is in some way related.
  6. I have not had much time to play the KSP, which I regret. I wonder does it any MOD that help with calculating gravity assist. It would be good for people that aren't good at math like myself
  7. Yes, my favorite game in my early teens:D
  8. This clip had almost one year, it was probably 0.16 or 0.17, really really old stuff:) I wonder does anyone knew from what space game comes this soundtrack:D
  9. Calculating gravity assist is rather hard for someone who is lousy in math and aren't Scott Manley My biggest achievement it's probe to Jool, i want learn how create perfect gravity assist. I want send me Kerbals to Minmus using Mun as gravity assist, looking for advice.
  10. I got a little motion sickness, especially when I'm on the bus and go somewhere far away. It does not happen on the train, I wonder if I could ever do a pilot license, when I have the money Once I talked to the doctor, she told me that the cause of my motion sickness, may be overweight I have about 130 Kg
  11. I once heard that it's possible to surgery cut nerve that leading from brain to stomach to not have motion sickness.
  12. I wonder why Titanic sank, watertight bulkheads and it was cutting edge of technology of it's time, It was "unsinkable"
  13. and first satellite dedicated solely for adult male Kerbal entertainment Enjoy
  14. I looking for pictures with pre-glass cockpit i fund one http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/computers/p123.jpg I wonder what difference one picture that i found pre-glass cockpit of shuttle still has lot of CRTs
  15. That will be great, but the changes shall begin with superpowers, which should be aware that despite his power are not alone on the planet Earth. It would be nice if the world was like this in Star Trek
  16. I think UN should pass total BAN on Anti-satellite weapons, in such a way that the U.S. nor China could bypass it.
  17. 10 to 15 years, why so long, Apollo made first landing in less than 10 years after JFK memorable speech.
  18. I wonder why anyone don't make kerbal fan-art with it, i mean the song
  19. What about Van Allen radiation belt i heard that it's radiation is danger for astronaut:)
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