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Everything posted by Pawelk198604

  1. You mean Polish, my mistake i just copied google search from my browser:) put in google "Space Station Sim"
  2. Did anybody hear about "Space Station Sim" it's space station meager simulator. https://www.google.pl/search?q=Space+station+sim&oq=space+station+sim&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i60l2j0j5j69i64.9418j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  3. I downloaded it today but not yet installed, i watched it on youtube where on of polish ksp fan demonstrated how it works, it's look sweet like real NASA concept of H3 mining on Moon.
  4. I recently returned to game after short brake. I mostly play unmoded game the only mod i have it's MechJeb2, Procedural faring, Steam guages. What is top mod for KSP? PS. I'm lousy and celestial mechanic so i stay with Low Kerbin Orbit, and occasionally visit Mun, Minmus. My most daring mission was kerbaled flyby to Eve and return to Kerbin. in previous update i send Kerbal to one way trip do Duna My farthest mission was probe to Jool. In current update i made the flyby to Eve, since in this update Karbals aren't immortal i was little afraid does i will recover my favorite crew, But Jeb and his team made it, and they returned safely. Sorry i'm little talkative it's due my Asperger I want to knew what is best updates, the absolute must to have list.
  5. Someone give my url to transfer calculator an upgraded version of http://ksp.olex.biz/ but i forget the address Does anyone could help me?
  6. I created space pobe using Rover-skycrane and my Jool V rocket which is my my design + procedural fairing mode https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bx2uGwZ4w808ZTZRUWZsa2lWSU0/edit?usp=sharing I created it some time ago, but when i tried to launch it cannot because navball don't work as it should. In previous update i haven't this problem.
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micha%C5%82_S%C4%99dziw%C3%B3j As the world's first postulated that air contains life-giving substances that would become known as Oxygen. He's ahead of his times:D
  8. I have to admit that I if I were a parent I should be afraid to send children into space. History shows us that whenever we begin to treat the space flight as something routine, something tragic happens, Apollo 13, Challanger. Sometimes we forget that space is the most dangerous environment in which man has ever lived. PS dose anybody remember that movie:D
  9. I think it's look awesome i current state is it's also cool but after some time in sandbox become boring. The new scientific features can be very motivating. I would be glad for warp function in space port, it would be cool in transferring craft to other planets.
  10. As i said as kid i dreamed to be first teen in space:-) But me health state probably not allow me to be astronaut:) But i wish luck to anybody who try this. I hope it did not end up as american "Teacher in space" program
  11. My interest in space was since i was born, i remember when i have 4 or 5 when i get picture book about Yuri Gagarin:D As i kid i wanted be first kid into space. I wondering does will we have someday a teenager "astronaut" http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=10226
  12. My interest in space was since i was born, i remember when i have 4 or 5 when i get picture book about Yuri Gagarin:D I wondering does will we have someday a teenager "astronaut" http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=10226
  13. I'm interested in space exploration. As teenager i wanted be first teen in space despite i always been lousy in math and have rather poor health state, i always read a lot about Soviet/Russian and American space missions. But what caused your interest in space flight. PS I wonder does someday wee teenager in space or someone in early 20's
  14. I'm rather lousy rocket designer even in KSP standard I always wonder what mean when spacecraft Space Shuttle or Soyuz pass the point of no return, what this actually mean???
  15. My country Poland joined ESA year ago and choice some Polish as ESA astronaut, for now we had only one astronaut or more precisely cosmonaut Mr Hermaszewski who flow on soviet Soyuz in 70's in Intercosmos program. If i had good health and master degree in Physic i would apply to ESA myself:D
  16. I heard that some of us astronauts aren't US natural born citizen. Does it's true? how many is them?
  17. I speak about this game http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitalism_II Can someone recommend me good business simulation game. PS. I Waiting for moment when career mode will by finally introduced in KSP because i like feel like big CEO:D I once played with my friend in Cashflow 101
  18. I wonder why none of Apollo mission don't landed on far side of Moon, i also wonder did the new Orion mission when SLS will be ready will land on far side of Moon?
  19. Too old too young, who care. I think the most important thing is passion rather than age. Do not forget that the youngest person who flew into space Herman Titov was almost 26 years old, and the oldest person in space, John Glenn was 77 years
  20. Today i watched in news that's american selected new astronaut group, they would do Kerbal job on Space Launch System:D
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