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Everything posted by Pawelk198604

  1. W gimnazjum ani liceum z matmy nigdy dobry nie byłem. Dzięki Bogu kiedy podchodziłem do matury matma nie była obowiązkowa, Wybrałem studia o profilu humanistycznym, zawsze byłem dobry historii i WOSU. Teraz chciałbym się nauczyć matematyki dla samego siebie zastanawiam się czy jest jakiś dobry program komputerowy który by mnie nauczył matmy, chodzi mi o materiał z całej szkoły.
  2. To bad that it's calendared i love that show. I hate that it's ended in cliffhanger:(
  3. Now i'm not playing ksp but when i play in my free time is one thing that annoy me. Namely the fact that when i decouple used wasted stage of my rocket is leftover on orbit despite fact it is about 20 or 30 km. In real life such debris would burn-up and crashed on surface.
  4. I really like this series, but I watched just a few episodes, It's pity that that the show has only one season. Which character do you like the most? My favorite is JJ or rather his power: superintelligence. I've never been good at math which truly hated, but mostly for the fact that not I could understand it. I have great respect and envy for the mathematically gifted people What is your favorite character and what power would you like to have?
  5. It's my second interplanetary mission in career mode, my farthest mission was Jool but it was many updates ago:D Actually i should call this mission "Ike lander" because it landed on Ike. My previous mission was Duna Observer 1 it landed, unless of course if you can call it a landing:D on Duna North Pole. I forgot to attach landing legs:-) And the Duna Observer crash landed fortunately sensors ware intact so i collected info about temperature, pressure and gravity on Duna North Pole. The Duna Observer 2 was in fact intended to land on Ike, i landed manually on Mun and Minmus but this time i decided to use MechJeb. BTW i collect a loot of scientific data (1640 points) now i don't knew where spend it, certainly on Ion drive but where spend other points? I want to send Kerbaled flyby to Duna, but i little afraid about survival of my Kerbonauts, BTW Seriously now I understand why NASA and Roscosmos still postpone manned missions to Mars, it's not a piece of cake
  6. I have just finished my first unmanned mission to Duna in career mode. The probe landed on North Pole of Duna. I'm surprised that it went so smoothly, especially since i forgot lading leg, I crashed service module but fortunately sensor ware intact. I measured gravity pressure and temp and send data to Kerbin until battery fail. I wonder does someday will have to take surface via probe only. (Like mars curiosity)
  7. I am sure that this issue was raised several times, but I also have to throw in my two cents:D The background music in really cool:D
  8. That sucks, but i don't want cheat either. So with tech node unlock ascent guidance, IMHO this is my favorite feature in MechJeb:D
  9. I installed the new MechJeb unlocked it in Flight Control tech node, but when i attached MechJeb to my spacecraft it not showing Ascent Guidance on MechJeb 2.1 menu, why?
  10. I need mechjeb for planetary phase angle. I must agree with some MechJeb haters that playing without mechjeb is really cool:D But it would be helpful, I want to send probe to Duna and MechJeb would be helpful especially the Phase angle display. I play in Career mode.
  11. I wonder does the are any aspie cop. I cannot be police officer in Poland because i was exempted from military service. In Poland any 18 years old must go to military medical conscription, which get 4 medical categories A fit for military service in time of war and peace B Temporary unable to service eg 12 month. D Unable for military service during peace time but fit for military service: transferred to reserve. E. Complete unable for military service. When i get to military commission I had mixed feelings about the army, i don't wanted to be drafted into the army for 6 month because when i was on military medical commission polish army was still draft army now it's 100 career army. My mom told my that i must be honest with commission. I told them about that i have AS and i had epilepsy in past, and i get E medical category. Now i little regret that i was so honest because with E category i can't be police officer because according to our polish law to be eligible to join police, applicant must have military status "transferred to reserve" with mean have at least D medical category. I can't changed my medical category because it permanent. I want to be cop because it cool job, and police officer is treated with respect and awe, and cops can make life of other people miserable with is also cool ( i would could issue penalty ticked to old lady crossing on red light, 14 years old smoking cigarettes, strip driver their driver licence ) I like to watch tv documentary about our Polish traffic police issuing penalty ticked for bad driver, especially when driver beg police officer for mercy I want be cop because is so much power, such driver who might be stripped driver licence, kid smoking cigarettes, or old drunk man might feel that he/she is nothing a trash i'm in charge here and i can do what i want Be cop is cool job, but i can't at least in my country.
  12. Dzienki, ale chyba to nie będzie potrzebne promotorka zaproponowała już tematy. Spodobał mi się jeden "konferencje naukowe jako kanał komunikacji naukowej" chodzi o konferencje z zakresu informacji naukowej i bibliotekoznawstwa. chyba będę pisał o konferencjach naukowych organizowanych przez bibliotekę uniwersytetu Medycznego dawniej akademii medycznej we Wrocławiu, albo o konferencjach organizowanych przez Bibliotekę Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Chciałbym się wkręcić do któreś z tych bibliotek:D
  13. In Polish we have proverb "Curiosity is the first step to hell" I knew similar proverb in English Curiosity killed the cat" I wonder where humanity would be if it were not our curiosity. Without curiosity, and particularly the case, scientific curiosity, our lives would be boring. Where do you get such proverbs as I mentioned above. Is curiosity can be dangerous.
  14. I read very interesting article about Molniya orbit, it useful for polar region comsat I was wondering does anyone ever put satellite on Kerbin Molniya orbit. I several time put satellite on Kerbin geosynchronous orbit, but never tried Molniya.
  15. you feel bit like a super hero when you jump in low gravity:D
  16. After long waiting Bill has finally get chance to set his foot on the Mun:D Jeb, Bob, and finally Bill.
  17. "Open the bay door" nice i love the 2001: Space Odyssey "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that"
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