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Everything posted by Pawelk198604

  1. Question is do you would try to sabotage the mission, if you wouldn't chosen, and left behind on Earth doomed to destruction. Why are they, and not I, if I can not i make sure they not go too
  2. Let's put it's more simply If i would be among this people who are not selected, because i'm not enough super-human. I would try all my effort to blow this bloody thing up:-) "If I will not use this, no one would use"
  3. Recently I found a very interesting National Geographic movie on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95n9BclgBUM What if Earth ware doomed and only chance to survival is super mega giant nuclear propelled Generation Ship as international effort to save mankind , which contain everything you need to survival, the saddest part is it can carry only 250 thousands people, a only fraction of Earth population. In my opinion the best part of this movie is 42 minutes, The selection process is based on genetic profiling so only healthiest people ( so probably no apsies, adhd, neurotic or bi-polar ) of all races would go. The question is you are not selected, does you would try every effort to sabotage project. I if i don't go nobody would go Edit: New working link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YVQJA8HNB0
  4. I watched all Star Trek series except TOS, i noticed that Federation is dominated by Mankind and capital of the Federation not on Vulcan or Andoria, so mankind rules
  5. MS Office is damn expensive, recently bought MS Office 2010 Home and Student, for 75 zł ( 24.50 USD) because it was Christmas promotion. Unfortunately, this version of Office does not include MS Access, normally i don't not need it, but now I collect materials for my MA thesis. Could someone recommend me a good office suite, with a simple-to-use program for creating databases
  6. I need to create a database of scientific papers from the conference
  7. At the beginning I must mention that my office does not have Access, moreover, I could never, fully comprehend It. I looking for good database program.
  8. I wonder how this kind of thing are handled in other countries. From what I know in the U.S., for such a thing, did not even go to jail, if you have a powerful and wealthy parents:D http://edition.cnn.com/2013/12/11/us/texas-teen-dwi-wreck/
  9. My fellow Polish compatriots are in outrage after drunk driver killed 6 people including 9 years old kid. This madman was under influence of alcohol and marijuana. This is articles in English about this event http://www.thesundaily.my/news/919779 http://www.news24.com/World/News/Drunk-driver-kills-six-in-Poland-20140101 Your conservative politician propose confiscation of car for drunk driver as punishment, what do you think?
  10. I just upgraded Windows and re-instated Norton 360, i still have 107 days licence, i bought it so why trash it, but i think about switching to Kaspersky, does is better than norton?
  11. What add-on you used I mean "Transfer angle information?
  12. So you tell me that no more Jeb like astronaut badass it very sad
  13. Gagarin has was 27 years old when he flew into space, contemporary astronaut/cosmonaut has 40-45.
  14. And it's like you're lucky, I recently had a 6000 m / s I have tried several times and always I ended fuel just before landing. Moho is a demanding planet. Fortunately, the launch window is once a month.
  15. I made several mission to Moho, all crashed. I have problem with orbital insertions? Landing on Eve and Duna is easy i can use their atmospheres to break, but Moho has not atmosphere. Now I know why there are so few unmanned mission to Mercury:D
  16. I wonder does will have someday to have specialized science module, and have science points from long duration space flight and bio medical on board, like in real live?
  17. I wonder does someday will have comets and asteroid? I'm realist i'm probably dump to make comet mission like Giotto but it would be nice to have such possibility
  18. I'm ashamed to admit but i didn't knew that the new update has been released, I was too preoccupied with other things, I had a lot of homework from my university :-) Today I downloaded the updates, and I'm a little confused, Today i make my first unmanned mission to Moho, it's only planet except Dress that i has not visited yet. I noticed that some science module are single use, and transmitting science has been impaired, it good that i unlocked many tech in caarer mode in previous update:D
  19. Already updated the game, thanks. Recently I have not played in KSP, because I had a lot of other activities. The cool thing is the archive. Although I thought that there will economic and political management element, Ketbal Politburo or Kebal Congress:D , with only one in mind how to disturb my work:D
  20. I read on steam that 0.23 Update is live does this mean that update is available, and if so why this is not mentioned on website and forum? I'm bought my game trough KSP store in 2012.
  21. Damn! Again I put on in the wrong section, I hope that the moderator did not punish me again. A little too much of a rushed, so I made this mistake. My apologies. EDIT: I am 27 years old, so you may live to see, and see "small step" on the surface of Mars
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