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Everything posted by Pawelk198604

  1. I'm not very interested in music, and in principle interested in but not modern. I heard that she was JB lover, although I can not understand how 30 year old woman could [date someone so young] :-) But as we say in my beloved country of Poland. " każda potwora znajdzie swego amatora-every creature finds its amateur" Speaking abut Kim kardashian, her name reminds me of one race from Star Trek, the Cardassian, quite despicable and deceitful let we say Kim Cardassian
  2. I get it Room 101 Ministry of Love secret torture chamber, and this Cardassian is the O'Brien
  3. You're damn right but torture, unfortunately, have been in past, are and will be in future. 4 April was exceptionally beautiful poland premiere of the film, "The Railway Man" based on reality about torture survivor Eric Lomax, who was tortured in POW camp Japan, very good movie.
  4. I just uploaded it on my youtube profile, i'm star trek fan for many many years "there are four lights" it's just epic is about triumph of will. But now when i watch it my first thought it's Guantanamo Bay, so i put it on my youtube channel and titled it accordingly. As for tortures, many my Polish compatriots, still can not cope that we lent our Polish Air force base for CIA terrorist prison sub station. During World War II Germans built against our will Auschwitz, now this CIA use our land to torture people, maybe not innocent people but still people.
  5. In Poland Poland we have militaristic proverb "Zołnierz strzela Pan Bóg kule nosi" with can be translated as "Soldier shoot but the Good control the bullet" I wonder does is any equivalent in English Language
  6. I very love gaming but now i have very little time for my passion because i must work on my MA Thesis on library science:( I hope i got more time on vacation. What is you favorite game? Mine is KSP of course, than Total War series and The Sims. As for Total War series i wonder when they make Total War: World War II or at lest World War I I have Medieval II Total War, Empire Total War, Napoleon Total War, Total War: Shogun 2 with "Fall of Samurai expansion pack" and Total War: Rome 2. I wonder when The Creative Assembly, made Total War game about modern combat, for now the Total War: Shogun 2 expansion pack "Fall of Samurai" was the most modern in term of combat model, because it was about war between Shogunate and Emperor Meiji fraction in XIX century, and player had Gatling gun on disposal, i love the Gatling It really cool when shogun and his brave samurai charge one you to preserve samurai way of life and meet brand new Imperial Army Gatling Gun
  7. I would love to see working transporter beam, but I know that it is scientifically impossible. I watched prof. Michio Kaku talked about it on Discovery Channel. As for "Agony Booth" it's probably Guantanamo bay staff dreamed Christmas gift:D
  8. Scientists are trying to make real a lot of technology from Star Trek. Mobile phone was inspired by Star Trek, so I'm curious when the Agony Booth become real I saw it original star trek and ENT, I beet that CIA and FSB would be in heaven if they have such "invention" on their disposal:D
  9. If this is true, it is puzzling why he rejected this offer? Commanding lunar expedition is astronaut biggest dream, and career crowning achievement. I would agree to such offer:D Ultimately the backup commander of Apollo 14 and Prime Commander of Apollo 17 become Gene Cernan
  10. Michael Collins accompanied Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin in famous Apollo 11 flight but he stayed behind and orbited Moon as CMP, while Armstrong and Aldrin walked on the moon. I wonder why NASA not offered Collins to be CDR or LMP in next Apollo mission? Or does Michael Collins himself don't want?
  11. I wonder about the condition of the human spirit. I've noticed that people from an early age like to break the established rules or prohibitions. For example, drivers who exceed the speed limit, which, moreover, extremely stupid and irresponsible because they endanger not only their lives but also other road users, but not wanting to write about it. I recently read that the "defenders of morality" are sounding the alarm, because the kids are able to get around parental control systems. I personally do not have any kids, and probably never will have them, I do have Asperger instead But perhaps if I were a parent or guardian of the minor would be probably pissed off that kid went around parental control system which I have set. On the other hand, some kind of defiance and resourcefulness is admirable. The world would be terribly boring if it was filled with the bunch of yes man without own opinion. Ergo some kind of defiance is good for humans spirit, especially if want someday to reach star
  12. I missed lift off:( but video looking great:) I wonder when it will be a manned mission?
  13. BTW Where on the Internet can easily infect your computer with a virus? Or rather, what sites are best to avoid. I remember that time as a teenager I entered into website that you do not like to show your mom, sister, girlfriend , or wife, if you know what I mean It ended this that my computer needed to reinstall Windows, since I try to avoid such websites:D
  14. I heard that Kaspersky use much less CPU power than Norton. That Kaspersky doesn't slow down computer like Norton.
  15. A year ago I bought Norton 360 with license for 3 computers. I paid for it 110 Zloty (36 USD or 26 EUR) License expires in 3 days, I wonder does again buy Norton or maybe buy Kaspersky? Does Kaspersky is better than Norton 360
  16. I made it, actually Jeb made it, my LOR landing in Career Mode The only thing I had a problem with is docking, i forgot to attach mechjeb I must to dock manually, it was probably my first full manual docking, i always used at least the RCS and rendezvous features of MechJeb, now i had to do all this by myself, with made my little pride BTW. Anyway, it would not help me, because i'm not unlocked automatic docking. BTW with tech node unlock automatic features of mechejb?
  17. I just finishing my Apollo lunar Landing in career mode, a waited until i can unlock the small lander and 3 kerbal apollo like capsule, Jeb was just returned from Munar surface and EVAs reports i hope i get lots of tech from it But i wondering what to do with Munar Module, that i don't need anymore, crash it on Mun or bring it to Kebin, i want to do it with Apollo style.
  18. A Apollo like mission in career mode:-) I saved kerbaled munar landing to moment when i had all the parts to perform MOR (Munar Orbit Randezvous) landing Now the Jeb and his team are on the way to the Mun, i was little afraid, does i have enough fuel to land on the Mun and goes back to Kerbin? but audaces fortuna iuvat
  19. It would be really cool if dev give us interstage i mean special structural stage when we can store lunar lander, like in in real Apollo Program, so we don have to use struts, managed to put strut lander to first stage but it look very ugly:( and i managed to fly to 1000 i reverted flight because it was going into wrong direction, but i afraid that after i separate first stage the rocket will lose stability.
  20. I think i try to look something on SpacePort i'm rather lousy engineer, i only good with interplanetary probes and small rocket, i think i try to make direct ascent 3 kerbal capsule.
  21. I once do this but this was long time ago:-) I gathered lot's of tech thanks to probes, i wanted to make my first mun land (well no the first time, i did this many times) with style. I want to do this like Apollo Program using three kerbals capsule and Mun lander, i just unlocked the small lander for one kerbal, i tried to make it like Apollo Progran, lander beneath CSM but my rocket was breaking:( I think i try mun landing via Direct Ascent of Mk1-2 pod but i think it's little cheating. that's my tech tree
  22. I like especially the launch escape tower, it's pity that there is no smaller version for one kerbal capisule
  23. BARIS was much better in some areas, i have problem with accomplishing mission, now i plan to make unnamed capsule test, but when i try i have always mission failed, i cannot understand i have developed all necessary components, when i reload the save file it's allover again. When i played BARIS after 2 or 3 reloaded save, i complete mission.
  24. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx2uGwZ4w808Vmh5cm9PZk0tY2s/edit?usp=sharing The dawn of new space age is now reality. The new SLS rocket allow you to plan mission to transport crew and cargo to Low Kerbn Orbit and further to Mun, Minmus and even the asteroids I knew that's my design aren't impressive, that's other users most likely built better crafts, but i'm proud of it anyway:D This new NASA parts are awesome I plan to add two SRB's on both sides.
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