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Everything posted by Pawelk198604

  1. Recently I made a landing at Britain 3000 thousand of my soldiers and enemy ships versus 2200. But the my computer laggy slime suspect that my computer is a little weak as of Rome 2, i love TV but i don't have enough mony to buy new pc. What can I do so I can fully enjoy this beautiful and enlightening game for my poor computer. I wonder as what is to blame, graphics card or CPU? I have a quad core Intel Q8400 2.66 GHz Motherboard EP43-DS3 6 gb Ram NVIDA graphics card MSI GT 630 2 gb have average settng amd 1440*900 resolution. I heard that at lowest setting i will not see the blood effect..
  2. LOL I know this site, but I wanted to know your opinion. In my opinion, NASA acted with Glen a bit, not nicely too, This is what the Russians did with Gagarin also dis not nice. I am sure that both Glenn and Gagarin were very pleased that their if governments allowed them to pursue a career, and not be treated them like some walking monuments
  3. I wonder why NASA not chosen John Glenn for any further space program (Gemini, Apollo), he flew on Space Shuttle, but i wonder why he not participated in Apollo Program?
  4. It's strange because as a small child I had celiac disease diagnosed by a doctor, I could not eat bread or anything that contained gluten, I had a special diet, then when I got older it changed I still have allergies, but now I can eat bread and I'm fine. My mom is certain that this is definitely by these Chinese herbs. In the past, suffered from many diseases, my mother was desperate and decided to try Chinese medicine, my family was a little skeptical at the beginning, these herbs are expensive and we are not rich (although they were not more expensive, the drugs from the pharmacy). My dad initially believed that alternative medicine is a fraud. But I can say that these herbs have helped me.
  5. I'm curious how they will look like space suits for NASA astronauts, if NASA decides to go back to the moon. Spacesuits from Apollo looked really good, especially the large spherical helmets
  6. In my case it is, unfortunately, according to my doctor, viral infection, gave me a prescription for anti-viral drug "Neosine" I have to take it 4 times a day:(
  7. Today I made D-Day in style of ancient Rome, I made a sea landing 10 vessels with artillery + 10 Evocati cohort I also had land armies of catapults, cavalry and infantry units had even two elephants units , are more and lost the general of the army had 5 stars I wonder if not reloadload the game from again, even though I do not know if it's worth general was quite old Although I managed to conquer Athens, because it's them evilly of 2 thousand garrison yourself with only one thousand and I managed to win
  8. I have tonsillitis, I thought that only kids get sick on it, apparently I was wrong. I wonder what it causes
  9. I do not know what is in the composition of these herbs, but I have to admit that I take them long ago, and helped me out of a very serious disease.
  10. This was mainly therapy with herbs and acupuncture, now I no longer have allergies to gluten
  11. So you are allergic to gluten, also once had this disease, but the disease, disappeared by itself, maybe not entirely by it self. After all traditional treatment failed my mom tried alternative medicine. In mid 90's the doctors from Mongolia come to Poland, they used traditional Chinese medicine, and Chinese treatment was cheaper and more effective than chemical drugs used by our doctors.
  12. I wonder what can cause allergy? My mother was born in 1948, told me that when she went to school there was only one child with allergies in the entire school. Once I heard one of our Polish eminent specialist in allergies said that the Americans and the British are guilty of plague of allergy in Poland, said that as a joke, not to offend the two nations. His point here is that the allergy she started to spread after the Polish agriculture began to apply insecticides on a large rock in the early 60's. The greatest success enjoyed (Azotox) known in the West as DDT :-) I read that even the Communist Party campaigned, you could even call Azotox (DDT) advertising , distribute it for free to the PGR (state farms) and gave it to private farmers. Many farmer did not like to use Azostox, believed that the Axotox is not useful or even harmful, but the party could use "various means of persuasion" to the recalcitrant farmers. Now, some experts believe that much of the of allergy is due to the use of Azotox (DDT)
  13. I bught office 365 for student with 4 years subscription. Price as for Polish conditions was a big 300 zł, but at least I have all Office programs. Which is nice. I could not afford to buy the standard Office 2013 professional which costs 1,100 zł Fortunately, I am a student and I have cheaper is good to be a student: D I know more or less what it does most of the programs, I have some problems with Access so I borrowed a book from the university library. But I still do not know what is the use OneNote? Word - is used to write Excel - spreadsheets and calculations PowerPoint - presentation Access - database Outlook - mail client OneNote -???
  14. So I wish you a speedy recovery As for morphine, five years ago I had a nasty knee injury, hurt as hell. When the paramedic arrived with the ambulance service, offered me a shot of morphine, but refused I wanted to be fully aware of as they will take me to the hospital, then regretted it because I could not feel the damn pain, and could experience an altered state of consciousness
  15. My condolences. I hope you eye is ok now. I also spent a cut the cornea, made ​​it a plastic toy cannon. Similar to this one Cannon was fitted with a pump in the back, which was used to "fire" from the cannon. The barrel consisted of two plastic halves, place them join was a little sharp I was then 5 years old. I started to spin the cannon holding the pump when it was turning cannon, place sharp juncture of the barrel hurt my eye. I did not lose an eye, my dad quickly drove me to the ER, but my parents were very frightene
  16. Perhaps, but for his age 88 years old, it was quite communicative, a lot of people in this age group suffer from dementia or Alzheimer's. I was pleasant to listen, the book is also good, a full analysis of the history of physics ( English translation of title: "Understanding of the World: from the history of philosophy and physics," This textbook for students of Physics Wroclaw University of Technology Publishing House As much historical part of this book from antiquity to modern times, I can understand so much mathematical part written in mathematical formulas i cannot understand:(
  17. I hope it's not false negative in my Lidocaine and Marcaine, if it is. I can have serious problem in my dentist office
  18. What?! What a ****! Peeping Toms before science?! Indeed we live in interesting times.
  19. I read that flight test is scheduled for December, it's delay? I read earlier that it was scheduled for August.
  20. But i have cat for 5 years, and i don't feel allergic at all, he died over year ago and still miss him very much
  21. Thanks, i understand the allergy for pets furs, i want new cat someday, even i if had allergy maybe my body get used to it after sometime of exposition to cat. I can not even imagine life without cats, they are so cute and smart As for allergies to peanuts, it thought it was an American nonsense, now it happened to me :-( The doctor said that my allergy to peanuts is not large, but discourages their consumption in the months May-August, said that it might encourage other my allergies. One thing is certain I do not want to give up peanuts, I love peanuts
  22. Maybe not quite fit into this section, but in spite of all I would like to put it here. soon you'll find out why I recently was in the hospital, it was nothing serious, just testing to local anesthetics, Unfortunately, my companions in a hospital room, were two old men, bringing the total to impossible to get through, but one of them horribly cursed spinning every night, and listened to the radio loud, even at night, I had my radio built into the phone and I was using headphones. But luckily this guy moved to another room, instead they gave Professor Emeritus of quantum physics, so no use profanity, you could talk intelligently with him, basically it was a monologue of his hand, the professor talked about the universe and philosophy. In fact, it's very nice to listen to, and the professor probably also be glad that someone was listening. He recommended me his book, I borrowed it from the library today. The online database of our Polish Ministry of Science, I read that the professor was a visiting professor at many universities in the Soviet Union / Russia, the United States, Britain and many other countries, has also been awarded the leading Polish civilian honors. So you could say that I had the opportunity to meet celebrity, but not celebrity TV You could also say that the hospital does not have to be boring after all
  23. For the year, probably even less than, finish my contract with mobile operator. I wonder how the phone can choose Android phone or some cheap versions of the Nokia Lumia. Currently I have a phone Sony Xperia J, I ​​have to admit that in spite of all the features offered by the Android phone, comfort is much worse than my old Nokia 5235, I mean mainly on the use of the touch screen when pushing something nokia phone is doing what I wanted . When I press something on the screen Xperia phone is choosing something else, like writing text messages did it so much better on the Nokia. I can not even take it to the service, because I got lost somewhere warranty card: (
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