I know by experience that KSP forums is full of (no offence) Nerds That's nothing wrong i'm Nerd too I was wondering why someone Star Trek fans (TNG) hate Wesley Crusher, when i was kid and TNG was aired in mid 90's Wesley was my hero even grater than Picard/Riker duo i wanted to be as smart as Wesley. So me question why nerds hate nerd (Wesley) ?
this is my video, forgive me i need a brag a little
But seriously when airbag landing method was first time used? I remember when i watched landing of Mars Pathfinder in 1997, i was 11 years old than. Space exploration is my passion on borderline with obsession, i think it has something with my Asperger Syndrome I wonder when the airbag was first time used does it was Pathfinder or it was sometime earlier?
That what happen when you got limited resources and not care about it i finished my first rover mission, but i have problem because i play with rover like little a baby without purpose. Later it almost cost my to mission failure. I used theme from A-Team and MacGyver my favorite childhood tv series
I wonder why let computer to pilot a plane or mars rover, yet scientist don't make working fully automated driver for a car? Does driving is more difficult than piloting?
I heard about that there are, Pyramids just like in Giza Egypt, now i play "Take on Mars" i have dilemma in which to play KSP or TKOM But seriously does any major Space Agency(NASA, ESA, Roscomsos) ever send rover or at lest lander to Mars Cydonia.
I probably never become doctor but medicine very interested my. I in my country Poland these who want study medicine after 6 year study, normally study for magister/master degree last for five years, "doctors" after graduation in Poland get title "lekarz medyccyny(physician of medicine) lekarz dentysta (physician of dentistry) or lekarz weterynarz (physician of veterinary(medicine) for vets as is master degree after normal study, to be fully flagged "doctor" they must finish PhD studies. I wonder how it's look in USA/Britain.
"I decided to switch LV-T30 to weaker to LV-T45 I designet this roccket to make following secifiation: TEST Rockomax BACC Solid Fueul Boster: Spec: ALT 1270 to 1680 Speed 190 m/s to 690 TEST Radial Decoupler ALT 650 to 1250 speed 210 to 610 ms/2" http://1drv.ms/1A7jqUO
I feel like a cheater :-( launching mission that even not reached space only for few tech points:) I wonder does NASA or Roscosmos made missions that last only for several minutes