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Everything posted by Pawelk198604

  1. I know science forum for typical hard science but economic science is also sciencie "Mathematical" science:-) I Always wonder why British Currency is more expansive than american one, the days of "RULE BRITANNIA" are over now USA is dominating power. I also wonder why my national currency is Polish Zloty Russian is more expensive than Ruble even though Russia is dozens of times larger territory than Poland, nuclear warheads, and most importantly its own space program (the first in the world)
  2. My kerbal launch new research program ex-Kerbia scientia to reach Mun, Duna and Beyond
  3. Thanks i play KSP when i can, since 2012 and always thought that correct ordering inside "sequencer" a i call it Is important
  4. I know my voice it sound afoul:D
  5. I didn't know how pass it but i did:D i hope for some tech points but i have them enough for me next phase. Ciru munar mission of Muna 1:D
  6. Both unkerballed and kerballed:D My countryman says that's on http://forum.kerbale.pl/ says my voice is epic failure, if it's epic failure in Polish, i try to not imagine how i sound in English:D I want send probe to Mun i career in full career mode, i wondering what soundtrack use for my let's play i my personal favorite is this But i waiting for you suggestion
  7. I know about SLS, but i mean rocket that carry both CM/SM and LM at the same time?
  8. Wiem że słychać dmuchanie do mikrofonu, ale mam aspergera Byłbym wdzięczny za konstruktywną krytykę Jak już wspomniałem mam Aspergera, nie nie mylić z Asparagus Staging Mam wadę wymowy i tremę a za rok mam obronę magisterki na wydziale, nie chcę robić siebie z robić debila przed całym wydziałem, bo tego jest internet. Chcę aby ludzie mówili zwłaszcza o mojej wymowie co jest nie tak, gdzie się podciągnąć i takie tam
  9. Thanks to my KSP friend and now also personal friend problem ware partially resolved, but now windows 8.1 not see my 2TB drive( it see it's as protected file storage. Anyway Thanks Nao:D EDIT: the only difficulty is that i lost all my data stored on my 2 TB drive, system saw is as protected partition, and i and Nao (through mostly him) working on how unprotect protected partition. I do not know how it could happen, usually alone did reformat the drive and everything worked A-OK
  10. We could not create a new partition or locate an existing one. For more information, see Windows Installer log files, WTF?!? (https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20140803021340AA5bj3J) I need re install my Windows 8.1 (upgraded from 8) I want clean install so i used opportunity when i bought new HDD, i already have two ( one 500 gb and other one 300 gb from my previous computer) I bought 2 TB my friend saw something is not right becuase windows saw them as two separate 2 TB drive, my firend feel that somethng is not right he advised me to use only one (G) but not use H drive. I copied all my files from C & D drive into G, than formatted D, and than Run install of win 8 to clean install, but the isntalattion menu dosen't saw my new 2TB i need help
  11. Cleaning time: Im just into middle of moving my data to my new 2 TB drive, when i did this i format drvie C and D and install Windows 8 again (btw does is possible to install Windows 8.1 fre update for win 8 right now?
  12. I wonder Does if someone lying on medical it's easy to detect if someone have disqualifying disease that is completely cured and not waiverable, does the doctor might detect it
  13. I heard that people with some disease cannot be pilot even they are completely cured, i wonder does there would be health requestment for space tourist ?
  14. I would buy new Sims if i had money but spent most of my cash on upgrading my PC, i bought 2TB drive. I heard that sims 4 will be have moderate requestment. But some people say not masculine (i don't want to offend LGBT people:D ) to buy Sims 4
  15. i created two episodes of "Take on Mars" now i plan to make separate series "for dummies" about creating sample rocket in KSP.
  16. http://steamcommunity.com/app/244030/discussions/0/35219681532139797/
  17. My mom is a curious, for PRISM my mom i s not a terrorist, she just want to knew how to grow Granade fruit. My mother once planted grain of Pomegranate, in a flower pot that has risen, although in my opinion probably not survive in Polish climatic conditions.
  18. Thank's i'll try iy BTW i think it would be good think to someone made one big space/science related forum.
  19. Jak zbudować lądownik mam problem z anteną
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