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Everything posted by untitled

  1. I accidentally clicked "Debris" instead of celstial objects, so I moved the window all the way up until I got to "Go back". Now the window renders off-screen, and since the window position is saved, I can't move it back. Is there any key I can press, or a file I can edit?
  2. EDIT: From my testing, I have concluded that it is either very very very very very very very very VERY hard to escape Eve, if not impossible. Now I'm just going to try to get into orbit (which is already a hard enough task), and have a rescue mission. We have a lot in common! Currently, I am able to get into orbit with ~11,000 L of fuel. I just updated my tiny lander engines to aerospikes (for the eve ascent), and hopefully that'll get me up! I'm quite worried about the nuclear rocket though...as when I went to Duna, I only had ~1200 L of fuel for the 6 outer engines. Also, you can post images with the tag. UPDATE: I have just landed on Eve, with this stage: with ~2500 L of fuel left. Unfortunately, I forgot to switch the direction of the fuel ducts, so all the fuel is fed towards the nuclear rocket, which doesn't have nearly enough power to escape (or even get into orbit) Eve. Will relaunch and retry tomorrow.
  3. I love pretty much everything about KSP, but I, being a math/physics kind of person, would have to say that my favorite part is calculating everything and watching everything "just work". ...most of the time.
  4. Landed two 3-man landers on Duna yesterday and landed a rover on Eve today! The two 3-man crews will conduct "scientific research" on Duna for about a year, and then return! Duna Exploration Landers (DE-100 and DE-101): http://imgur.com/a/GPIa6 Eve Exploration Rover (Discovery EE-1) http://imgur.com/a/X9pAP If anyone is curious about my rocket, here it is: VAB: "Columbus II Heavy", 364 parts, services Duna, Jool, and extra-Kerbol destinations Thrusting past Kerbol escape velocity (ignore the crew's faces; they completely volunteered for this humane experiment)
  5. I put the MK1 Rover on top of a rocket, but it vibrates/shakes when I launch it. It also doesn't turn smoothly, even with the SAS off. File: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/59540455/Prometheus%20Capsule%20MK1.craft
  6. Here's the beast that I used, christened "Columbus" after Christopher Columbus. It is composed of 340 parts. It may not be clear form the image, but it uses the "Onion Peel Design", where the outer tanks feed to the inner tanks.
  7. moar servers? I think the KSP team should be able to get some more servers with the rising popularity of this game.
  8. There's a limit? That would explain why my ship randomly fell apart today after I added some SRBs. I hope they'll let you toggle the max in the future (low, medium, high, ultra, unlimited, etc.)
  9. Got into orbit around Jool With a Hohmann transfer, launch about 96.5 degrees ahead of Jool. T1/T2 = sqrt((2*65.5)^3/(13+65.5)^3) T1/T2 = sqrt(0.22) T1/T2 = 0.46 0.46*360 = 167 degrees 167/2 = 83.5 (Division by two for only half of the orbit) 180 - 83.5 = 96.5
  10. (How to get to Duna) First, wait until Kerbin and Duna are ~45 degrees apart. Once that happens, launch your rocket, wait until you get to the border between day/night on Kerbin on the OPPOSITE side of the direction that Kerbin is travelling, and keep firing prograde until you hit Duna.
  11. Or alternatively, skip the 5-7 years it'll take Apple to catch up and go with Android.
  12. I haven't experienced it (yet), but that's probably because I use < and > to control timewarp (I spam < to drop to 1x)
  13. OP, I have edited my post to include derivations/work if you want to put that in the original post. Also, you can use the
  14. Through Kepler's Third Law, I have found that the ratio of Kerbin's orbital period to Duna's orbital period is ~0.52 (In one kerbin orbit, Duna moves approximately (0.52*360) degrees, or 189 degrees). I found it using 13*10^6 meters for Kerbin's orbit, and 20*10^6 for Duna's orbit. For a Hohmann Transfer from Kerbin to Duna ( 13*10^6 meters to 20*10^6 meters), the ratio is 0.75, and Duna will move ~135 degrees. In other words, when the angle between Kerbin and Duna is ~45 degrees, start your transfer burn. Derivations/Work: T1/T2 = 2pisqrt((2*R1)^3/g)/2pisqrt((2*R2)^3/g) (ratios of Kepler's Third Law) T1/T2 = sqrt((2*R1)^3/g)/sqrt((2*R2)^3/g) ("2pi"s cancel out) T1/T2 = sqrt(((2*R1)^3/g)/((2*R2)^3/g)) (Root division property) T1/T2 = sqrt((2*R1)^3/(2*R2)^3) (Division and "g"s and "2"s cancel out) Plug-in values for R1 and R2 with the orbital radii from any two planets.
  15. Are you using a cel-shader for that? I think it's a bit too cartoony and doesn't really fit the rest of the game's graphics.
  16. I did something like that too, except I modified the decoupler CFG and crashed into the moon as soon as I launched.
  17. Sounds like an alien attack for me.
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