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Posts posted by FlamingPotatoes

  1. That seems to merging with the other idea with satelites / mapping. So this would be my idea for make this together:

    From the start:

    - you will see only spheres for planets (based on tracking station observations), only geometric with orbits,

    After simple flyover with ship:

    - you get aprox. color of area like low-res smooth texture of surface with water borders, and 2-5 elevation zones available for switch on/off on map view

    After using mapping device included on ship or satelite (needed bigger amount of electricity and data storage/transmitting option):

    - you get what we do have now as a more precise texture with some altitude markers.

    After full-scan you always should have option to switch between full textured (as it is now) and basic geometry view as you have from begining. Maybe it can save some resources and improve performance of game as well.

    I think this is a great idea, it shows how much you've been to different planets.

  2. "Mission Control, I see fire."

    "OK Rouge, that's to be expected. Can I get some readings?"

    "Patching through now."

    The computer whirred as it calculated weather the situation was bad or not.

    "Everything nominal except heat patterns. 9.83% above safety margin and rising."


    The reentry was stressful, despite a mere 2 minutes before touchdown at the ice fields the maneuvers seemed to take an eternity to take action. Beads of sweat ran down Rouge's face as the gyroscopic stabilization unit put the craft more heat-shield first.

    "That any better?"

    "Marginally, it's stopped rising and has fell to 7.13% above safety margin, try to get it more center on."

    "It's stopped going below 6.92% Will that kill me?"

    "Hard to say at the present time, 30 seconds left till you start shedding heat."

    "Come on Rouge you son of a Kerm, you can do this." He muttered to himself as he started engaging landing procedures.

    "Parachute deployment in 45 seconds and counting."



    "Control, repeat."


    "Control, repeat."

    "Engage parachutes now!"

    He was startled so it took him a few seconds to respond. Parachutes billowing upwards he felt a huge jolt as one of the ripped free.

    "Rouge! Abort 3! Abort 3! Fire descent eng..s.a.w.d"

    Then static.

    "Control, repeat. Control, repeat! I said repeat Kod Damnit!"

    The abort engines kicked in as a final jolt threw him into blackness.


    On mission controls end.

    "Parachute deployment in 45 seconds and counting."

    A faint crackle returned before a reply came in "Gotcha"

    "Wait! You're too fast! Abort!"

    "Control, repeat."

    "You're too fast! Abort failsafe 1!

    "Control, repeat."

    "ENGAGE PARACHUTES NOW!" Francis yelled as all telemetry returned failure.

    "Rouge! Abort 3! Abort 3! Fire descent engines! one of your parachutes has failed! Dammit!"

    "What is it Francis?" said Alexia as she rushed into the control room.

    "Rouge's comm's line is dead, his last telemetry readings gave failure on altitude, speed, heat and pressure and the on-board computer has stopped responding!"

    "We'll have to scout out the crash site."

    "Agreed, fetch the jeeps and let's head out of here."

  3. "Orbit secured, how's it going up there?"

    "Amazing, I can see more of Kerbin than anyone since the 1960's"

    The crackling transmission abruptly ended with a sharp crack as Anatolia IV disappeared behind the planet. One orbit had been completed by Rouge in the tense moments since liftoff, and now kerbalkind was back to the stars .

    "Did you hear about Frequency Aerospace? They've just launched a kerbal into space themselves."

    "I heard! It appears we have someone on our tail."

    "I wonder how Rouge is doing..."


    This is the diary of Rouge Desmond Kerman,

    Today I went into orbit! My craft has officially passed over the same spot of land! I feel so happy. There was one moment of the launch where I thought I would die in a cascade of rocket debris and fire, but luckily that didn't happen! Anyway, time to note down some important events. Theorodica has now launched a full scale hunt for Francis Roman. I just hope he's alright. A couple of planes got hit by a missile off the coast of Agraristan. And, best bit of all, the U.P.A.R (United Protectorate of the Arctic Region) has officially gained recognition from the Kerbal Grand Council and is currently being assisted by Medwedia. I think that's all. Rouge out!

    Rouge sighed as he closed the recorder. This was one of the best moments of his life, but it would soon end. Coming up over the southern Agraristanian ocean was the point he would have to engage his engines in order to land at the ice flats that the base was located.

    "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, mark. Re-ignition. Burn count 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50. Engines cut. Trajectory pointed over to the ice flats."


    Now decoupled, Rouge could see the stage that had put him into orbit drift slowly past as he readied the craft for reentry.

  4. Name: Flavon XQC11-F

    Gravity: 0.83G

    Atmosphere: Yes, Argon: 81% Water Vapor: 18.5% Carbon Dioxide: 0.3% Ozone: 0.2%

    Weather: Very steamy, like a giant sauna.

    Life: Mostly covered in lush rainforests.

    Apperance: Yellowish white clouds, greenish soil and Violet oceans.

    Moons: Flavon XQC11-F1 (Rocky, orange, 10% size of mother planet), Flavon XQC11-F2 (Just discovered recently, presumably captured asteroid in stable ,but eccentric , orbit.)

  5. Francis was tied up with anxiety, this was the first proper rocket they had built. C.L.F.R 0.711 engine, VN-400l fuel tank, DXNY-223 decouplers and a specially fitted computer monitoring

    device with a radio antenna attached, the Detached Rocketry Control System version 4, or DRCS-4. All of the systems had been properly tested and the rocket was attached to the launch pad with 2 large clamps that would release 0.1 seconds before take off. 10 minutes to go, the ground crew was scurrying about left right and center trying to fix minor issues, establish a constant radio stream to the rocket, removing the thermonic insulation that kept the fuel from evaporating all before the final moments. By 2 minutes all foreseeable problems had been fixed and the rocket was ready to leave kerbin. "T-5, 4, ignition sequence start, 3, 2, 1, separation nominal, we have liftoff of the Anatolia 1 rocket! Designed to touch the stars!"

    Francis took a big sigh of relief, the rocket had taken off successfully! All communications with the on-board computer were perfect as the internal heat sensors and pressure sensors showed that the new, cleaner fuel had managed to stop critical failure.

    "See that?" Damion asked while pointing at the now white blur moving steadily upwards, "That's your progress right there. The engineering of you and your team have gotten 20 tonnes of explosives into space!"

    "Are getting." replied Francis "We're not there yet."

    "Just you wait and see! 2 decades from now you might even land on the Mün!"

    "Or aboard a space station" Whispered Alexia.

    Sorry for small update. Will probably do more quick short ones than hard-to-make long ones.

  6. "So! How much extra fuel have you packed on this one? None? Will I end up not being able to ascend to munar orbit again? Are you sure?" - Bob Kerman shortly before launching in the Novgorod II

  7. Henceforth is a detailed analysis of the V.B.S.P

    File Number:21

    Agency Name:The Very Big Space Program

    Richdorf Kerman founded the V.B.S.P in 1982 after the collapse of Centrodyne Industries the year before. Two unrecognized kerbals, Halsen Kerman and Geoford Kerman, were accepted into the new program as well as (to everyone's surprise) the Honorable William 'Bill' Kerman! All three were admitted into the astronaut program and became the first kerbals ever to fly a three seated rocket, much to the dismay of the fierce rival Anchronian Enterprises and Space Flight (A.E.S.F) who had had their own version of a 3 seated capsule in production. By 1988 V.B.S.P was a dominant competitor to such names as The National Space Flight Administration of Dichronia (N.S.F.A.D) and Treorgest Venhavan, the Guhansan space program.

    AESF was back on it's heels by '89 with the first interconnected array of equatorial geostationary satellites, only to be beaten by the nearly complete VBSP global communication systems, which was the first to set up communication satellites into a near polar orbit. With the death of it's founder in 1991 AESF was shut down briefly before being reinstated as the Anchronian Space Exploration Program (ASEP) VBSP was sucked into the dirt as the first dunan probe was launched by ASEP followed by a jool bound probe in September 1993. Manned flight was the only place where VBSP was gaining, the first deep space selfy was taken aboard Athens VII, the first mun flyby on Novgorod III, first mun flyby on Novgorod IV, a picture was taken at a mere 8km above the surface on Novgorod VII and Novgorod IX was the first landing on the Mun. In March 1997 a statement was released from Alan Vicekerman , Chairman of ASEP ,"Due to unseen circumstances the Anchronian Space Exploration Program has gone bankrupt. All shares have been sold and the vehicles auctioned. Our testbed 4 kerbal capsule, along with a variety of blueprints, have been given to the Very Big Space Program. All other files have been sold to the national governmental inquiry."

    This was a breakthrough! Suffering tough economic times itself the VBSP made best use of the new technology and set up for a 4 kerbal landing on Minmus. Within 2 months project Cyprus had started with the launch of the dummywieght Cyprus 0.1. By 1999 Cyprus VII had scanned the tiny moons surface and had found a suitable landing site. Cyprus IX had sent robotic probes to the surface and by Cyprus X the VBSP had been the first to land on both moons. Scan forward to the Outer Kafrican Launch Facility in may 2001. A tall rocket is sitting on the pad 1 hour from launch, up to a location which seems quit dull (130km high orbit around the equator). But, however, within 7 launches kerbals were in that location. The Faraday Space station was up and running. Now, 2014, the VBSP had kept shuttling kerbals to and from Faraday for 11 years, the Halsen and Geoford were now famous and down on kerbin there are children. Some of whom like fictional 'Hoomins' some like TV and some like the dream of being part of the Very Big Space Program.

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