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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. Here are the rules that ClairaLyrae Established with her Stockalike pack. Look at rule 3. The default Launch Escape System fills the niche that the previous Escape Tower did. THerefore the Escape Tower part is not needed. You can still download it from the original thread.
  2. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86665-Cost-Rebalance-for-KSPX-and-RLA Here's a rebalance for RLA Stockalike and a temporary rebalance for KSPX.
  3. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86665-Cost-Rebalance-for-KSPX-and-RLA There's a rebalance for Cost RLA Stockalike and a temporary rebalance for KSPX
  4. RLA Stockalike (download clicky), by hoojiwana Changes: -Rebalanced Costs -Made Spinnaker more powerful -Made LV-T5 slightly more powerful Feedback on prices encouraged.
  5. I'm working on a cost mod for the three Stockalike mods now. The third is Stockalike Parts for Useful Esthetics, not STX. The other two are RLA and KSPX
  6. By Authentic I don't mean the current drag model. I mean any drag model in the future.
  7. I havne'nt done an aerodynamic flip that I couldn't recover from in Stock Drag Fix. Which is not to say that flipping with a high AoA or Sideslip, especially with Cylinders in cross-flow, is not realistic. It is realistic. But it's not fun. Flipping out and being completely unable to recover from it if i press a button a little too hard is not something I think the stock game should have. Whatever the updated Aerodynamics model will be, I really hope it won't be too realistic. Leave realism to the modders, keep Authenticity to the Stock Game.
  8. I just hope they make it the new model! It looks much more suitable (pun intended) for the visual style of KSP Parts, as there's no visible photo-sourced textures on it. - - - Updated - - - HypeTrain is still there, it's just resting in the siding until 0.25 is soon.
  9. It's actually meant to make you build things you wouldn't normally build. You also get science from many of these contracts, because you are testing how the thing works.
  10. Since 0.24 is a career-mode-only update, there' not much point in playing it until someone releases a proper pricing mod.
  11. No, but to get it to work with the budget system, you need to define ALL the costs. I think it's best to wait for StupidChris to update this.
  12. So you still flip out if you go too far away from the velocity vector, right? If so, I'm just going to keep using Stock Drag Fix.
  13. So in the new short "Jeb's Junkyard", the Kerbanaut is shown wearing an upgraded space suit. Is it a teaser for 0.25? I heard that one of the devs were trying to re-model parts to better fit with the art-style of KSP, and maybe the Space-Suit is part of that. I really want that Space Suit!
  14. As official HypeTrain Driver, I agree with this message. Stop climbing over the cabin and get a soda.
  15. There are several amounts of pie in each brand of Chocolate-flavoured chicken pudding! And now back to the program.
  16. My headcanon says that Kerbals are similar to AMphibians, but with Cyanosymbiotic releations, making them like Amphibianoid lichens. However, I don't want to enforce that idea on everyone, especially Squad. THis is meant to be a literal drawing of what a tracing of a 3D model of a Girlbal would look like.
  17. I get that, but I think femininity can be given with facial features better than fat-filled breasts. For instance, I have a friend who is completely flat-chested, but she's still clearly female.
  18. Yeah, I am really much better with drawing solid machines and shapes, so when it comes to Kerbals, I'm great at it. Kerbals are kind of almost modular in appearance. Clearly separated sections of the body, for instance.
  19. Thank you very much! Constructive criticism is welcome!
  20. Here's my take on Kerbal Origins. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/82175-WIP-Foundations-The-beginning-of-the-Kerbal-Space-Program It's a little outdated from my current http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84888-My-take-on-Kerbal-Anatomy-Evolution-History-Society headcanon, here's my current headcanon. Kelpogart/Omork is replaced with Kearmica (There was also no separation of the two countries), Ussaria is more of fulfilled by the Secret Space Program's role, and Gomlonilia is replaced with Namregy.
  21. Does fan works even include videos and drawings? I haven't even seen anything but ships, which is arguably not a fan-work, because it's something that you automatically do in the game.
  22. The EVA will be the proble. I guess I'd better take a nap on the 19 and 20th a few hours before the flight.
  23. This is your official HypeTrain driver speaking: I've woken up, and The HypeTrain is low on HypeCOal. I need some Kerbal Scrifice to compress into coal, or we'll NEVER reach the HypeTrainStation of Maximum Hype! (AKA.24)! - - - Updated - - - We should be passing by soon, not that I actually have the nav computer anymore.
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