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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. I play Minecraft, Terraria, and Starmade. Got here from Freeallegiance forums. Google it.
  2. I don't even want to know what happened.
  3. Isn't working for me, I've researched a lot of stuff, but all the parts say "requires a purchase in the R&D center". Do I need a new career mode save? If so that sucks D:
  4. Same here. I use the RCS port for little engines on small probes.
  5. I made the launch vehicle... then 0.22 came out. QUICK I STILL HAVE TIME!
  6. Hmmm, I am not sure... probably the small adapter.
  7. Kenbob, when he said "it dosent have a rudder", you showed an elevator on a wing. He meant a rudder, aka a tail.
  8. The kraken shall NEVER BE DEFEATED!
  9. Nothing quite like a 4 km/s speeding re-entry lander
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