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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. The internet seems fine. As I said, when I ran a malwarebytes quick scan it somehow went away. Im now doing a full scan and it detected one object so far- maybes that's it.
  2. I've done the following things: Cleared cache Cleared cookies Ima try restarting the PC. Edit: nope. Re-edit: Um. This is weird. I was doing a malwarebytes scan and suddenly everything is okay...
  3. I know, this is the KSP forums, not the google forums, but I'm having a problem. So recently, my google chrome was acting up, being slow. So I cleared cookies. Didn't help, but about an hour later it worked fine anyway. Idk. To the point, due to clearing cookies, I went to sign in to google again. However, whenever I click the sign on button on youtube or gmail, it simply says "connecting" and then says webpage not available. Help?
  4. I agree with KSK. It reminds me of my old KSP videos/cinematics. Let me find one...
  5. Gilly because that little guy has so little Gravity, you can land with NERVAS or RCS even! Dres has my favourite canyon.
  6. Amazing, I thought you would use the heat shield, so kerbal.
  7. I made this thread a REALLY long time ago, and have made several videos. I have made it past level 1 and 2, and past hyper level 1.
  8. I don't really want to watch it, I dunno I might be yelling at it THATS NOT HOW PHYSICS WORKS!
  9. I would call it the largest rover that looks cool, because... I really want to make something bigger to challenge that title now lol
  10. I would love to start off early- testing on rovers new engines, then prop planes, then jets, then get fast as possible and then early rocketry. It's not THAT hard.
  11. I never said you could see it, I just said something to make it render.
  12. Flag number 1 is the best. Number two ehhh Number 3 is too blury 4 meh
  13. yes this is inspired by chobit
  14. When I was first reading it I was like YEAH I WANT TO DO THIS! Then I found out it's in alpha. Well, atleast I know its gonna be epic someday. It currently probably is, just with less... stuff in it.
  15. You could probably try the "vessel unloader mod, then the station will render
  16. Debris: Forgot. Debris forgot screenshots in current folder: 379 screenshots from all versions probably: 10,000
  17. I do want to get BNW, waiting till a sale.
  18. I have Civ 5 +GK from the steam summer sale, and since then have played 46 hours. Love the game and the GK pack, spying, religon, great war units, Usually this is what happens in my savegame: -Oh yes, we are going to win by science or culture! -Going good! *japan or Egypt decleares war* -NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO -Fine. *builds up massive army* -Over a lot of turns, I eventually defeat them. -Then I go for domination victory.
  19. Uh, why is the download button "Buy now!" instead of Downlaod now.
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