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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. Why not transformers? And what the heck is that, idk how to couunter something Other than
  2. I find almost none mods to be added, due to it's unkspishstyle. However, there is a few that could work. ReStock addon. Procedural fairings, maybe procedural fuel tanks.
  3. The invaders of the sunken dragon arrive on laythe...
  4. Hmmm, this has potental. Also, you could probably get the part count down. EDIT: Very neat, but I cannot put this on a launcher for crap. Subassembly managaer dosen't want to load the connection node, and I can never seem to place the command pod- always no matter what shows red.
  5. Attention, the network name you now must join is KSPServer, due to the current one being full!
  6. Probably will break, maybe not, but it's always a possibility.
  7. Not true. I did it with the old... get ready for nostalgia... IFE MOD
  8. I like it a lot! Though I kinda freaked out kind of when I saw 4 engines instead of 5
  9. While It is realistic for 8 tons, the 18 tons sounds much more useful gameplay wise.
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