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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. While building my Curiosity rover, I deicded it needed something to do. So I gave it a trumpet.
  2. That dosen't seem to be that much of a craft. It is 1 km/s Delta-v short of orbit, and I see no FAR mod to reduce the delta-v needness.
  3. Gladley. (FYI, that's the N1 exploding )
  4. 2/10 eh a Kerbinpixelyartthingyidunnomaybelayhtheornotohwellonwordreplymuhaha.
  5. What's that you foolish human were saying?
  6. I find that odd that my $500 PC can play it just fine on simple settings, it never freezes, sometimes it turns white but that's fine...
  7. Ummmm a problem. I don't know what Starcraft is, (well kinda, herd of it 1 time) or play it lol.
  8. W/O golden cookies it's 1 billion per second.
  9. Never played it. what's it about/like?
  10. 4/10 I like the BTTF picture, but it's hard to tell as it's so small.
  11. I dunno what it is! NOTE: Your signature is way too tall for the forum rules.
  12. I um. Broke it. With a golden cookie. Uhhh Be aware.
  13. 40 km/s of Delta-v for a grand tour eh.... Lemme go build it.
  14. TT, as soon as you fix the bug of swithcing to 300 km away space stations, I'm in. Anybody else going to launch 4 satalites at the same time?
  15. Yeah they are nice! Why does the sun look like it's gonna supernova?
  16. *GLaDOS voice* You useless thing that they call LEGO. Not worthy of testing. Oh well, maybe it will entertain my turretets... ha ha.... fat chance...
  17. I don't see any batteries >.< I notice the ingenious use of intakes for the curve on the Soyuz, NICE!
  18. No way- it's definitley not too heavy. I've seen much heavier things float. My theory is that it crashed into it with such force, it went through a altitude that the part no longer is buyonent. Good thing the kerbals were very slowly boyant!
  19. Pfft I have 7.4 million CPS
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