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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. Well this is an old topic- that I remember, too.
  2. You know, that's actually kinda good!
  3. Ooooh those radiators are SEXY. They radiate awesomeness! (pun intended)
  4. Honestly I don't find it easier or harder. The craters are no challenge to me, I can spot out the flat spots. Even if I make an emergency landing I can still land on a 45 degree. I've had so many landings.
  5. And a sonic Boom. I need that. Not just the effect, the sound, because it's awesome. Also, sounds good Nova, I saw your video first before this post.
  6. It would be but reaction image only posts are prohibited.
  7. I want this as a haloween costume.
  8. I used to play it a bit, but then I got bored of getting shot down and taking forver to get new stuff...
  9. 1: Grrr why would you want black, the Saturn V decals are clearly red. But the model I have gave me black whyyyyy 2: Back on topic, you could probably use rescalefactor = whatever to rescale.
  10. I had this PC that would actually crash during KSP and other high-performance games when it went over 100C, so I had to close games to cool off at times. I dusted it, and uhhh The fan was never on again Wasn't dead either, just cool!
  11. I say in *wise voice* I see the human race has started to develop stronger bodies...
  12. Is it wrong that I don't watch news... like... at all?
  13. Honestly I have the most uncreative mind. First send up a small probe into orbit, collect science. Then land on the mun or something, collect science. Then do stuff in a IRL way. Ik Ik I'm boring....
  14. The server is up based on what I am doing. You still have to join the server name kspextraserver and pass was in the PM, so I can tell you when it's up.
  15. Also, by "little bump" what do you mean? Because a little bump can screw over an interplanetary mission...
  16. None of them make any sense. They don't deserver that, so I chose other. I would ask them if I may build some rockets and fly them. And the secret to immortality.
  17. Mmm Nick cage with a rocket. Hmm... rockets and science... you gave me an idea, rocket turrets...
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