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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. So you see here, I designed a mission for Jool, and sent it to land on all planets with dragons. However the dragon dispatched to laythe didn't have enough fuel, and it was coming in hot- the engines failed and it hit at a whopping THIRTY METERS PER SECOND, the RTG and decoupler exploded... but then... It survived! (NOTE: The MJ landing is only there in case of emergency attempt, but I did not use ANY MECHJEB on this mission). There is only one weird thing: It's sinking. I managed to slam into the water so fast, somehow it doesn't float anymore! And now they wait... Has anybody else survived a rough landing or managed to create a submarine accedently? Currently -130 meters and sinking....
  2. It isn't that big on the inside.
  3. __________________________________________________ ______________________ From: TDAerospace@gmail.KSC To: leangreenflyingmachine@ksc.gov Cc: Date: 03/09/2013 13:25 Subject: Need new parts? __________________________________________________ ______________________ Here at Novapunch, we have a vast selection, including these weird things called Saturn V's. Whatever.
  4. I spend lots of time here. And reply a lot too. Used to have 3000 or so posts before the april derp.
  5. In my opinion, a grand tour is any mission that lands on all the planets without refuling Kerbals are a bonus too.
  6. I decided to try making the VAB... I had no idea what to put in it, really. So this is all I got. May improve it later.
  7. I didn't see any romfarer on that ship, and I never saw him use many mods like hyperedit. For the rocket, he ignited SRBS and switched, because boosters don't have throttle. For planes running him over, I have done this before. Throttle down the aircraft at the last moment, switch, BAM.
  8. A note about the time-warp problem (sorry if this has been already said), can't it be like KLF, where the icon simply speeds up? Perhaps this mod would do that. You wouldn't be able to see vessels on timewarp, so in order to dock you have to be the same timewarp speed.
  9. Probably because those landing gear is designed for 1 meter landers. Try the MK2 version.
  10. Cool, will it have an option for kerbals to have helmet on for on the Mun?
  11. Oh man this is great. But I need a menu to play them from. Just having them play randomly isn't as fun. Like Top Gun music when you are crashing into the mun. Or something.
  12. Very weird, screenshot, version, etc? Also. That moment when you build something awesome and has too much lag to do aynthing
  13. Hmm nice looking craft. Does it need to be refuled to get to Duna?
  14. I like the new kerbal, but it needs a sticker face.
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