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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. I also get frustrated with this. I want to make Voyager have a damn warp sound, but it won't let me do it!!! Maybe it has to be .ogg or something.
  2. So, I made a SSTMR. Single-Stage-To-Mun-Roving. I had some help from a new construction.
  3. That could indeed. Also, I misread that. I was looking through the persistance trying to find the KER, but didn't see the "almost" Anyway. So, I can build a rocket that is modded, but the module must be stock. Correct?
  4. I love this thing. It got that to the Mun landing. With about 100 liters of fuel for all engines left.
  5. If you want, send me the .craft of the payload and send me it, I'll show you a good idea. And tell me what mods I can use.
  6. Module for science station... Hmmm Can it be a space fighter, and does it have to be stock? Cause. Danny. Another thing. This will be a cinematic-style video, so it will take until monday maybe. Just saying.
  7. Why not land some mainsails with aircraft landing gear on the Mun, and PUSH IT UP! Then, attach wheels and drive it.
  8. And, all the planets are SO HUGE! It takes FOREVER to go places!
  9. Powder toy, wow yes! And about OpenTTD, after a few hours, it is basically sandbox. Both amazing and free games I have never played Half Life 2 either, however it RUNS on the HL2 engine. Which is included. All you need is Gmod, not half-life, it just runs on its engine. Like Portal 2 similarly.
  10. Holy jeezus that Saturn V is MASSIVE! The engines... wow.
  11. Probably. I just didn't know if you did something special.
  12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_HARP I would love something like this. Basically, it's this, a highpowered cannon, except more "compact" and the angle and speed can be changed. Loved the Orbiter mod. The only thing I want with this mod is for the cannon to be on a 45 degree angle. Easier orbit.
  13. Actually, if you look at the board, it said 999 posts before I posted. My post was the 1 thousandth, because it's not counting the first post/topic. I was also the first post on page 101.
  14. Actually, I just did that on the number pad. Oh god.
  15. Neither do I, it also dosen't work. Anyway, the easter egg is on some videos you will get "missile command"
  16. Go onto a video on YT and with numlock on, type in 1980. Just do it.
  17. The epic bump train comes in! No, we don't go by air. Anyway, It looks good and I can't wait for the next chapter. Good writing! Also, have you considered a career of writing real books... or even MOVIES?
  18. Wait, Harv reply? Ok. Anyway, I'd like to see that Gilly trip.
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