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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. I voted for jeb. He landed with me on duna, roved on duna, flew most of my rockets, and he got to pilot many planes too.
  2. (my vid) Welcome to cortex command, a game witch you play as a brain, controlling other bodies. Fair game. Works on PCs that have the intellegnce of a toaster.
  3. Well, lemme see... I like destroying stuff, blowing stuff up, so yeah... that explains most of it.
  4. Okay... Its... interestingish. Also, your main picture is low quality.
  5. Hey hooligan, you said for me to test it on laythe? Do i become a tester now?
  6. 6:33 duna randomly jumps to the left and back again, is that on purpose?
  7. I just tried ION engine. This is possible, though it would take entire DAY of IRL time to do.
  8. I actually was planning on making this. In fact, I did, just no hatch/IVA unfortenatly.
  9. Wow, on all of my questions, you said yes! Except you didnt answer my Laythe question... did you?
  10. Okay, the low res pack just says this: File not found. It has been deleted or it never existed at all. Suggestion: Check the download URL for spelling errors.
  11. I want this now! However, one thing id like: Can you do a GIGANTIC baloon? So its like, 50 M long and 10 M wide. Then i can land my VOTL on it And, will this work on other planets like Laythe? "Ladies and gentlemen, We are now approaching laythe. Please enjoy your stay on the floating palace" And one last thing, will this work with time warp? Another thing, can you somehow make it so EVAS can walk on it?
  12. I agree. I was just joking, besides, I like to do it manual LIKE A BOSS.
  13. Cart mod is what you need for this to work! It comes in three parts: The command pod (the front) The fuel tank (the back) and in Command&control, there is the chasis!
  14. I have idea! Protractor for intecept, Mechjeb for rest. ACTUALLY how to do it: Protractor for intercecpt then, the kerbal way of getting into orbit: Looking at vertical speed and when it hits zero, BURN TO CIRCULARIZE! Edit: Camera mod for landing!
  15. Well, good job! (secretly thinks to himself of landing on mun in 0.13.3 and minimus in 0.15 and evaed bill on mun in 0.16 and bob on minimus 0.16 and got them all back ) Im half-suprised you bought the game before landing on minimus/mun!
  16. Try taking off the boosters first, and external fuel tank. then, use the center of mass and center of thrust, and if its balenced right, they should be around the same for safe flight. if not, it will spin like that. Then add the boosters&fuel tank, and turn on the center of mass and thurst again. not the same? Thats why it crashes.
  17. Hey guys, just some things to say: I have plenty of time on my hands, so I would like to voulenteer to be a tester, to give: A: Feedback, what do i think, is it too hard, too stubborn? B: Bug reports. Since that is what you are doing, I could take a lot of your hands if I test it, and give lots of bug reports. C: I would work full time on this, I am ready to be a full on tester, so that you release sooner, and make people more happy Next of all, my opinions: For one thing, the DEMV itself was hard to land so the D.R.O.P should be a challenge, but still ok. As I said, if i was a tester, I could say weather its too hard for average people to land it.
  18. Hmm, it looks not bad. Too bad the protractor mod is as useful as this Anyway, nice additon, and my only request is this: Energize! As being a star trek fan, im wondering if you can increase the EVA teleportation thingy to like, 100 KM Distance. However, if you cant because of the game itself, thats fine.
  19. Parachutes arent AS effective, and they only deploy at a certant altitude, where the air pressure is enough (about 9000M) and they fully deploy at 500 M as long as you are going 100 M/S or slower.
  20. Struts. They improve linkage. all i can say. If that fails, Picture. (using f1 then uploading to www.imgur.com)
  21. Not bad, thought maybe you could add better music, make it interesting? Atleast annotations for a "commentary"
  22. Kapercorn is alive Kerbal is alive Kerbal is asphixaed Kerbol Is at Kola Is Alive.
  23. Exucse me, but shouldnt this be moved to "Plugin powered releases"? Because it is, powered by a plugin.
  24. Mod, Lets let this thread, like usual, be locked and die.
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