I do a lot more, I only started on steam in mid-2013. ..and play MC. So, Minecraft: 1000 hours. Audiosurf: 4 hours Burnout paradise: Ultimate box: 7 hours C&C RA3: 9 hours Door kickers: 3 hours Euro Truck simulator 2: 58 hours Just cause 2: 2 hours Just cause 2-MP: 11 hours Kerbal space program: 168 hours (I only re-bought it on steam at 0.21, but I've played at LEAST 1000 hours. Mirrors Edge: 5 hours Sid meirs ace patrol: Pacific skies: 103 minutse Civ IV: Beyond the sword: 5 hours (I just got it 3 days ago!) Civ V: 93 hours Sid Meier PIRATES!: 110 minutes Sid Meier Railroads!: 2 hours Space Engineers: 8 hours Take on Mars: 92 minutes Trackmania 2: Canyon: 8 hours Trackmania 2: Stadium: 4 hours Trackmania 2: Valley: 2 hours Sanctum 2: 2 hours Yes I have a lot of games!