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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. It's definitley possible on Minmus. Also. If you have KAS, and say, your lander explodes on gilly except the command module, you could grab the parachute, escape gilly, go to Eve, and parachute down. Not that you would want to go there, it's hard!
  2. It's... interesting. I like the cube and the mountains.
  3. I would rather use 909s or a poodle. They're only good for large rockets that need better TWR and gimbal. In 0.21, the ASAS was built-in to the pods. Now both feature the same thing.
  4. I did it with infernal robotics. A mix of Energia and NASA style. It worked. Barley. With tweakables, I'm sure it's easy. You can just monitor the way the ASAS is responding, then use thrust limiter to change "Gimbal"
  5. ._. Mirrors edge. Also, 6/10 Pixely thing!
  6. Can't due to forum restrictions. BUT! Also, 0/10 same.
  7. The big radial engine isn't useless in my opinion, I use it on my large mid-career rockets to get a better TWR. ...Other than that, it is useless.
  8. Ahhh... I remember good old 0.17 days, I tried to land a DEMV there. The jet engines weren't spooling, weren't slowing down enough. Had to relaunch the entire mission with an aerospike... didn't know until later that jet engines don't work. Learned that the hard way
  9. I love how this thread keeps coming back from the dead.
  10. Agreed with another poster, do it manually. I can't offer any support for mod managers.
  11. This thread needs WAAAAAAAAAY more attention then it is getting! Trust me my friend, keep these videos going at this rate, you'll be famous in no time.
  12. Looks like he just painted it with kerbpaint and called it his own. tisk tisk.
  13. Good misison, but why did you use the main engines after the fuel tank detaches? I also noticed, near fuel tank decoupling, that you had more than 3 engines "on"
  14. 2/10 Your avatar is familiar... AHA! The minecraft movie!
  15. There are bigger and smaller patches of kethane, the scanner will say. At least that's what it was like awhile ago. Not sure now. It would suck if it is just covered in little tiny kethane patches.
  16. And, just so everyone knows, the bigger parts will be in the offical game. Not just the mod.
  17. The textures are killing my eyes. And I expected this: But anyway, It's actually a very cool jetpack! Should use it to land on the mun
  18. 7/10 Seen you around here and there.
  19. Finally got it in career mode, for some reason the .craft had locked/invalid parts, so I built it myself. I got into orbit on the first try... barley. "Sunrise" "Re-entry" "I can still land this!" "I need practice" EDIT: Retryed, but the shuttle decided to backflip and fly the WRONG WAY. I assume it's because I still had half a tank of fuel in the back, but it makes no sense.
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