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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. Craft file for kerbin city? Do you mean where do you put Kerbin city plugin? Therefor in the Gamedata folder. But, KC has been outdated for awhile, and even the new version by Snjo crashes on launch site select. (KC may be updated without my knowalage, if so, direct me there)
  2. I remember this from the "weird, cryptic videos" you showed, and then cleared it up. I like it!
  3. That would be the worst thing ever- topic locked- AVATAR WAR. Back on-topic, glad to see this in motion.
  4. Blast from the past, your still working on it!
  5. I wonder if using some sort of computer program you could play Kerbal-tetris on that laptop...
  6. I look there and download a few craft, but never actually USE it.
  7. When I fixed it, he stopped frowning, and was his usual self. He really is a bug detector 0_o
  8. Honestly, I think KSP will become the greatest game of all time someday. Better than stealing cars in GTA V, or experiencing WWII in Battlefield. The game is just damn amazing, and when it's finished, it will be incredible- asteroids, money, MULTIPLAYER, but most of all, the mods!
  9. Yep, that was the problem: Internal. Now it works fine But is is really supposed to look like this?
  10. Hmmm, that could be it, doh!
  11. No idea of what the problem is yet?
  12. Mhm, FSX could look real good. But not on this rig, it would lag-to-death. X-Plane I had fantastic graphics and good performance.
  13. Not that I know of. Let me check... I used to use RO with some, but they were deleted. Checking mod folder... Lets see, I have "final fronteer" that gives kerbal "history" of their missions. Other than that, nothing.
  14. I literally googled "Outside" thinknig it was a game. Mid-type I realised it meant outside. ...It's -30C outside, do I really have to?
  15. Ahhh, FSX, I've played that for years. Literally since it came out I've played it semi-activley. I've landed on carriers in VC, boeings at night, trying to train to be a real pilot "Space orbiter"? I assume you mean Orbiter 2010? That's pretty fantastic simulator. X-Plane 10 is incredible for graphics- my PC can render waaaaaay more detailed objects in X-Plane than FSX, but X-plane lacks good user instructions and such. And it's expensive!
  16. Hey Frizzank, I'm having a problem with your wonderful launch towers Everything works perfect except the large launch tower. If I place it down and launch, this happens: The IVA, Staging list, and some buttons disappear. If I retract the tower, it does bring the staging list back... with it all grouped into one stage, and "Space" does nothing. Right click menus do work, but without staging its pretty hard to fly Jeb is aware of this bug too.
  17. This sounds very good. I suggest you partner with Frizzank and the Mass relay, so you need to have a powerful warp-gate too.
  18. Now I must make an ordinary kerbal extrordinary! And suddenly the are so much more important...
  19. Memories! I remmeber this great one.
  20. So, from what I gather you would create "mega-corps" and players build ships? Sounds interesting, the ships.
  21. You could do that! And look at its beauty... for one milisecond, before KSP and unity crashes, since you would need a ton of RAM, and KSP only supports 4gb.
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