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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. Can you possibly intergrate "Structure" of it? So rocket builders could be like: Hey! That part is the weakest, thats why it explodes! I need to strut that!
  2. When I first saw it I was like THAT'S NOT SMALL and then realised it was a "Shuttle" not a SSTO.
  3. Reminds me like the VTOL plane I just built. (Aka that big jet with VTOL )
  4. I agree, this won't get nearly as many views here vs GD, no matter how much its advertized. The only way to do it if it would have a "link" in the GD, stickyed.
  5. I'm also looking for a wheel, and found a Thrustmaster Ferrari racing wheel on tiger direct. I bought it, but shortly after it was sold out and the order was canceled So, I came here, looking, and I thought G25! GREAT! But thats sold out too, anywhere not sold out? ..Else I'll have to save up... a lot, for the G27.
  6. The fact that Tiger direct has cancled my order due to out of stock or something.
  7. Probably, as they would search for ModuleEngine instead of ModuleEngineFX, so it would break.
  8. I tend to check it when it's in here, but not down in that... deep hole *shudders* That's because most experienced people, know it's there, but all the newbies don't know it exists. It's also just more "common' for people to view it in GD.
  9. I had it too on this Win7. It constantly crashed, but thanks to INTERNET I found a fix, it was something about SC4 hating multi-cores, so I just ran it single-core. Something like that.
  10. It's been there since... 0.16. And old parts at the island runway.
  11. Civ V AI teams making peace right before capturing a city... ._.
  12. i was wondering.. WHERE have I heard that before! So cat- ...
  13. Service satalites? I guess? Fly up there and do whatever? Drop bombs? Why would this drop bombs?
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