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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. Well, I guess I just have to learn. I love how threads can change from Duna SOI to grammar in 5 seconds
  2. Everything looks amazingly big to ksp standards, and amazingly small to Whackjob standards.
  3. I understand on-rails, but I saw a video basicalyl doing this, so I didn't know that it wouldn't work. I wasn't quitting because blahblahblah omgbugfixit0.24, I was just mad at the time and wrote it in rage.
  4. I tried my first "Armada" of ships to duna. 3 ships, all on perfect encounters. Only the one I watched made it. Since when does it not change if your not there? I saw videos in earlier versions automatically entering. Wake me up at 0.24, I could care less right now.
  5. May I ask why, taking a break perhaps, or Irl issues?
  6. I WAS going to land... but I forgot landing legs on the HOME, and didn't know that the nuclear reactor didn't carry fuel. So it ended up as an orbital station... never been there since.
  7. Most people just lie to the forums about their age.
  8. As soon as I saw it I thought QUICK THERE MIGHT BE A PRE-ALHPA! But no. Once it's completed it'll be awesome.
  9. I would enter, just so I could get it for a friend "blackthunder52" who wants KSP. I don't have time atm to watch, what do I need to enter?
  10. You've temporarily stopped developing as your colleague carrot? i don't understand, Did Carrot stop temporarily or something?
  11. http://cdn-www.cracked.com/articleimages/wong/*****ex/tank1.jpg
  12. Let's get back "on track" shall we? Nice coaster! I wonder if with IR and docking ports you could make some sort of "chain"
  13. Euro truck simulator 2 and space engineers and Take On Mars.
  14. I don't think you can kill people in RCT3... *Memory surge* oh....
  15. This is what they showed in initail previews, because pretty much everyone loved the idea of good collisions. Now they have mining, weapons, rotators, copy/paste, gravity cannons, warheads, docking, quite good.
  16. I like it because everyone store-bought goes mad with all the errors of not being able to dl, whilist Steam users update fast and effeciently.
  17. I don't think so. Dangit, didn't work so heres the link: http://cdn-www.cracked.com/articleimages/wong/*****ex/tank1.jpg
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