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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. Oh no. My chin. I liked it! It's so hard now! I can't chew! It feels cold!
  2. These images are taking forever to load on chrome.
  3. Random fact: Picture taken from the original google picture war on MC forums.
  4. You are genetically combined with Bob Kerman.
  5. Honestly I am interested a bit, but my TV channel dosen't broadcast it... no I don't have netflix. YT To the rescuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeee!
  6. That's great! I can't give you any more rep! D: When was the last time I did that....
  7. Uh, how is that an easter egg? It was a joke. You know, 404 page not found. Year 417 Bill kerman enters his career by surveying kerbins biome on a "gunpowder car"
  8. Never watched firefly, so I don't care
  9. Ehhh, I watch it occasionally and watch the thread about status. And important times.
  10. Awhgkjseuths- Oh sorry! I just had to pick up my jaw off the floor. That is amazing! You got every detail! If I may request another one, if you want to do it, here is my favourite screenshot.
  11. Soda? Why. Stanley parable, nice game. KSP Is superior to all video games. #Kspmasterrace ...Couldn't resist.
  12. Hmmmm, if this is true, "Next year"... that's quite close.
  13. You are eaten by a Kerbinan Shark
  14. Just realised, think of it: Shuttle. Reduce thrust on specific engine. Balencing.
  15. The pictures are almost avatar sized, I can't see the details.
  16. I hate it when I mispell Space, spaec.
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