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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. You are incorrect. It was released on December 17th, 2013.
  2. Here's mine: Words per minute (WPM) 76 Keystrokes 418 (378 | 40) Correct words 74 Wrong words 7 You are better than 89.82% of all users (position 14672 of 144083 - last 24 hours) No lessons, self taught. I do it without looking the keyboard.
  3. I agree, but some people won't allow JC2 for shooting
  4. And now we get the wonderful moments of 100s of thread DUDE IT'S ANNOUNCED! And when it gets close, WHEN IS IT OUT! COUNTDOWN TO MIDNIGHT! WHEN IS IT OUT WHEN WHEN I DEMAND TO KNOW! ...Sigh. 0.22, now 0.23....
  5. Well, at least Jeb and Bill aren't stranded on Eve anymore...
  6. They could just be bracing for the 0.23 supernova, so they can get the shuttle to the bunkers so when it hits the shuttle is fine and still works
  7. I throw Minecraft eggs at you, spawning 5 chickens as you die.
  8. Ewww my population wanted to Eat the rockets because they were overpopulated!
  9. Something like this, but a little more tilted up. (the camera, not the plane)
  10. Since my post was seeminhgly forgotten.... Year 400: After realizing more gunpowder= more boom, they sucessfully create a "gunpowder rocket" it flew up to 1km, and the strechyness of the kerbal body was discovered.
  11. I would like a request, this plane: But breaking the sound barrier, and perhaps a kerbal screaming inside the cockpit? Thanks!
  12. Well here's a weird one. In a pool, training. The pool is 1 3rd empty and it dosen't look like anything I've seen. A mob comes in with guns and starts shooting, and I beg for my life, one looks at me and shoots. 0_o You know, shooting is like getting punched in the chest hard.... never experienced it though. It's weird that my brain simulates gun fire 0_o....
  13. Depends what type of knee surgery. Probably, and your chances are increased if Jeb is there. I don't really know.
  14. Just a few hours ago I watched a video of EXACTLY this.
  15. 7/10 Nice quote. And I have no idea how a simple gif can make a computer lag- either you have a dino, or a bad web-browser, or something just isn't right.
  16. Sorry for long wait for reply, the forums went down (503) the second I posted, so I assumed the post didn't get through, and then forgot Anyway, I have no suggestions other than making the texture a little less... bright.
  17. I tried to build an electric helicopter. Look at the number of pages of this thread. I'm cursed.
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