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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. What? I was just getting used to the new doctor!
  2. Eh, I've never really felt a need to get into the hype, so I voted "meh"
  3. Don't forget http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Kerman
  4. Was the munar flyby using a non-welded version? It looked like it was lagging like heck
  5. I tried "skids" once... They did not work well Then again, they were only cubic struts, but it was a VERY small probe glider.
  6. ...I can't sleep WITH it on. Too loud!
  7. 0/10, meh. Also, you have the same avatars 0_o
  8. I guess the only reasons command pods carry it now is for a little extra RCS.
  9. 0/10 I don't even know, just random meaningless text.
  10. I don't really see the point in building structures TBH, I hardly get any mobs around the beam down, and If I do I kill them. Beam down, mine stuff, go back up, get stuff, etc.
  11. I used Kmp 1.3... it was so buggy... LOG Sounds even better!
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