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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. Year 400: After realizing more gunpowder= more boom, they sucessfully create a "gunpowder rocket" it flew up to 1km, and the strechyness of the kerbal body was discovered.
  2. Really? Do you REALLY think playing dumb is good? I mean, come on now, use your LOGIC POWERS!
  3. Nope, it's me! The user below me is TCVM.
  4. 7/10 Again the awesome pixels.
  5. I noticed BlueSubstance is a moddler, of what?
  6. Laggy as hell? That's a pretty smooth thing considering it's a bunch of images! 7/10.
  7. Year 360 gunpowder is perfected, and a simple "gun" is crafted. They fired it at the ground, and found the kerbal lifted off the ground a meter.
  8. 6/10 Decent ribbons, don't know what "Harold's trip to the sky" is.
  9. Yea I was just wondering what cfg file it was - haven't done cfg editing in awhile.
  10. Well I beat the boss. I had silver pants, iron chest and top. I got him down to half health, when suddenly he stopped moving, about a screenlength away. I just shot with my iron bow at it for awhile and he died.
  11. I'm a noob at this, how do you "refuel"? EDIT: Figured it out. Crafted distress signal. Activated it, thinking I'll get fuel for this! Then a UFO showed up and destroyed my base, and me.
  12. Ah that would be nice... except the fact that I'm out of fuel, remember, the distress beacon...
  13. I've been playing this and so far have not liked it. I've gotten 3 silver ore. 3. I need ONE more ore. And can I geet it in the previous 3 hours? Nope.
  14. 6. please refrain from using black-holes, white-holes and big bang/crunch/freeze/bounces, these cause infinite loops conflicting with rule 2. So C-C-C-C-OMBO Breaker!
  15. 1: Yes, I belive there is a mod- might be outdated. However, for the complete apollo missions, download AMSO. 2: Sure, assuming you load up a scenerio with it in it. 3: Any planet in the solar system! 4: Nope, unless you have mods.
  16. Actually, you don't. I was confused at first, but just click this in the sentance: Download: atlas mini RE.craft
  17. Nova, I want that as bad as planet factory.
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