Year 400: After realizing more gunpowder= more boom, they sucessfully create a "gunpowder rocket" it flew up to 1km, and the strechyness of the kerbal body was discovered.
Well I beat the boss. I had silver pants, iron chest and top. I got him down to half health, when suddenly he stopped moving, about a screenlength away. I just shot with my iron bow at it for awhile and he died.
I'm a noob at this, how do you "refuel"? EDIT: Figured it out. Crafted distress signal. Activated it, thinking I'll get fuel for this! Then a UFO showed up and destroyed my base, and me.
I've been playing this and so far have not liked it. I've gotten 3 silver ore. 3. I need ONE more ore. And can I geet it in the previous 3 hours? Nope.
6. please refrain from using black-holes, white-holes and big bang/crunch/freeze/bounces, these cause infinite loops conflicting with rule 2. So C-C-C-C-OMBO Breaker!
1: Yes, I belive there is a mod- might be outdated. However, for the complete apollo missions, download AMSO. 2: Sure, assuming you load up a scenerio with it in it. 3: Any planet in the solar system! 4: Nope, unless you have mods.