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Everything posted by djnekkid

  1. I think you might need to define "use", as I tend to use it more as a 'flight computer' giveing me more information on the 'flight screen', so I dont need to go to the mapscreen all the time to check AP and PE as much. Surface/orbital/vessel information is almost always up, but as of late i've tried to actually utilize the tool to its fullest extend alot less, so what about a new option: "Only as an flight information tool" or something along thoose lines
  2. Try looking at my spaceplane. Youtube link is in my signature, and there are .craft files in the youtube discription. Generally you want your ship to be symetrical in the horizontal plane, and also trying not to add too much weight under or over it. For example try to make a good balance between the weight of the landing gear and the tailsection. Also, if you hold ALT while pressing the W/S-keys (or even the other ones i would assume) you can trim your pitch up or down, so you can keep your forward motion steady
  3. What about this attempt then? It is the exact same .craft, with the same crew. But this time they are veterans, and Jeb' is ven more brave then before. Does landing on runway 27 give something higher then the "Advanced Pilot Precision Award" Also, landing there were quite hard, so I had to save and reload a few times (I think that were the 5th or 6th attempt), hence the "a few moments later" As of 23:51 CEST is the video still uploading (36% done, total size were 160mb, beeing sent at 1mbit/sec), probably done a little over midnight.
  4. You mean the ditchin' of the aerospike on return? I've solved that issue, but I did that quite late last night. I just need to record one without the ditchin', but my spare time have not allowed it yet. Might be today, most likely tomorrow.
  5. Hey mate Take a look at my SSTO attempt here. It is a quit successfull one as well. Craft-file is in the video comment on youtube. Two Turbojets, an aerospike and about 1100 liters of fuel and some carefull flying is enough to get to an orbit with a semimajor axis of 80km or so. With spaceplanes arent neccesary more fuel = more height, as them turbojets wont get you high enough and fast enough, and adding more turbojets makes the plane heavier for the upper stage, getting you a lower thrust-weight-ratio (TWR), thus you need more rocket eninges, and then you need more fuel, and now we are in an evil circle. On my plane do i get to about 14500meters and there I have a speed of about 360m/s, and about 100liters of fuel is used. Acheveing orbit takes another 900 liters or so, and i have about 100-150 liters left for the landing
  6. Okei, I tried to rebuild, same ammount of fuel, same weight +-0.2 tons, and to no awail. After a few hours I noticed something. Not sure if its counted as a bug or not, but if I disable all flow on all tanks, then enable again, then the aerospike wont fire Video will come tomorrow
  7. I guess I need tofind some way to disable the aerospike without jetisoning it... hmmm Perhaps if I somehow find a way to have just about enough fuel for the 'spike, and still have fuel in the tanks and lines that go to the jets... *figure out some more* Im sorry I doubted you blspblackdeath, I were not aware there were a bug in that part of the code as well. My humble apologies
  8. Is this actually possible with jet engines alone? I've tried to crunch some numbers, and here goes: 600 radius 15 km altitude 615 total radius 3862,2 length of the circle 0,6 assumed average speed in km/s 6437 seconds needed to curcumvent in 0.6km/s 0,4 fuelburnrate on the turbojet per second 6 number of engines 150 max thrust per engine in Newtons 900 Total thrust 2,4 fuelburnrate on all engines per second 15449 Time * burnrate = number of fuelunits needed (5 large tanks is 16k units) 200 number of fuelunits per 'ton' 77,2 tons' of fuel 1,1651390399 Thrust/weight ratio on pure thrust and pure fuel Adding more weight 77,2 fuel 1 mk3 cockpit 7,2 engines 0,42 6 deltawings 0,5 10 wingsections 0,5 10 struts 0,2 4 fuel lines 0,6 2 tri-couplers 10 5 empty large tanks 97,7 tons 0,922 Final TWR With that TWR, i highly doubt the thing would actually lift off. When we start looking at normal commercial jets, say a boeing 777-300, it have a MTOW of 300tons, and a thrust of about 420kN (depending on manufacturer). This gives about 1,3 TWR. If we could actually acheeve this TWR, i doubt the 1,8km runway is sufficient. The mentioned plane needs nearly double that, namely 3380meters. (Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_777#Specifications) However, if either thrust is increased by about 50%, or fuelconsumption is reduced to 0.25, then we get a TWR of about 1.4, and we should be able to do this. *run and 'hack' a .part file, and see* (for the calculations, take a look at this file)
  9. It is not that I do not belive in what you did, but: Picture 1 thru 13 looks OK, with 10 fuel tanks, and they seem to deplete on a 'normal' rate, with 8 empty tanks, and aprox 1,5 tank left ... however: On picture 14 you are landed on the Mun with suddenly 9,6 tanks (or so) are full ... ??? Then we go on, takeoff from the Mun, enter Kerbin atmosphere, and you spend about a tank or so, of the remaining ... 9 of 10 full tanks? Then you seem to land, and the 3rd last picture have 1 empty tank, one aprox 1/3rd tank, and 8 full ones?? Then on the last picture, one aprox half full tank, and 9 full ones ... ??? As I said, I do not really disbeleaf you, but the pictures don't seem to tell the true story ... And as a refuel in orbit or on the Mun is neither possible, nor in the rules of the challange... There seems to be some owels in the moss
  10. Does this count for the K-Prize and "Advanced pilot precision award" ?? .craft in the video discription The original capture was 16-some minutes long, I did edit it down abit with some 8xTimelaps inbetween the interesting parts. The finished product is 5:21 mins long with some fun (??) commentary. Altho it is text, as im not a native english speaker, it will be way too much norwenglish (norwegian english) accent. There is however music on the thing ps. I know i ditch the aerospike, but its on the decent, so i can use the TurboJets to land, and as there is no known (atleast for me) way to disable rocket engines, i just ditched it
  11. oh ****, i ment bulkhead ... the one you attach the plates to edit2: try this file, at roughly 175-200m/s (when boosting at full throttle, and set mechjab to 90/90 surf) it rupts here mods needed: Novapunch mechjab remote sattelite thingy possibly KW rocket pack ps. its stored on my own server on my own home dsl line, scream if it dont show, i might have gotten something wrong
  12. are there a known weakness on the 3m faring panel? I.e. it does "easy" rip appart if there are some rather substantial weight on top of it? I did smack about 10 "spare parts" from the orbital construction addon (total 50 tons) plus some other minor things, totally probably about 55tons, and every time when i did get a quite high speed, i think its around 4-500m/s, then it rupts... any suggestins where in the .cfg files i could add a 0 or two, so the strength would be higher?
  13. I found, or rather noticed, a nice "hidden feature" in mechjab I'm sending up a bunch of communication satellites. Make your prefered rocket, send it up useing the acent module to your prefered altitude. Decide how many you want, and do 360/x, or how decide many degrees separation you want. Now activate the roundevouz part of the acent module, select your prev. rocket, and add (or substract) the prefered value. Now you can send up a nice evenly spaced sattelite network The only downside is, this probably will not work for keostatenary ones. Sending theese little buggers out to space:
  14. if you have novapunch, try makeing something small, instead of big Im currently launching the following into a 7150km orbit: 1m nosecone remote control with attached mechjab and 5000km antenna the small white fueltank with KSP written on it some tiny engine, 35newton thrust the gridded decoupler 1x2m fueltank aerospike engine the onboard sas is more then sufficient
  15. Mainly in different instances. But the "return to VAB"-thing is within the same instance.
  16. This particulary have i noticed as well, i kept strugling with a "bad flight" over and over, and accidentially clicked "return to VAB" instead of "restart flight", and this one were perfect
  17. Hi All I've run into a small problem, launches that work one time, and is typically launched with "manual mechjab" ... set it to 90/90, fire up, 45 degrees at 10km, etc... One time it launches completely fine, the next time (s) it suddenly starts to wobble and get a spin-of-death... Any ideas?
  18. My wife claim they are "Kerblings" and not "Kerbals" ... and i must say, "Kerblings" really sounds good, and "tastes good"
  19. Also in combination with Kerbins 6hour day, instead of earths 24hous
  20. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ox5emk8uklgzzfp/Lun%20Lander%20XL-5.craft my first 3man lunar lander.
  21. About a week into the game I baught this one: (Cyborg F.L.Y 5) Made it ALOT easier to control especially aircrafts, as well as handling RCS when landing on ... places Button setup on the stick: the "fire"-buttion. toggle SAS Top left: SAS on/off Bottom left. RCS on/off Top right. RCS up Bottom right: RCS down small "hat": RCS left/right/forward/backward small wheel up: stage small wheel down: toggle landinggear
  22. Hopefully within about a year will i get a 100/100, or even a 400/400 mbit fibre connection at home (i work for a telecom/fibre company). I currently dont live where the "fibre to home" (FTH) have been built, but me and the missus are looking for a new place, and we are specifically looking for places where FTH have been built. And if so, will i most likely get a max line for the price of a "low" (25/25mbit) line. The stock price for a 25/25 line is about 100€/month, where the 400-line is about a tenfold... Currently i do have a server running at home on my xDSL line, mainly for personal use. But if i still have an interst for KSP when we move, I might just be able to run some kind of server... If the server run out of fuel, i might need moar boosters But luckily we have paypal, and i might be able to fund it that way. It is about a year-and-a-half old i5 processor with 8gb ram, and 2x1TB disks in raid0 (thats the mirror ones, right?) edit: hopefully within a few months, xmas or so
  23. That is certainly an interesting design! And i've actually been thinking of doing something similar, but not quite gotten around to it, but my idea were more that i had a pod+tank in the middle, and then some hanging tanks in a 3 or 4 way around, with dropping tanks as they got more and more empty. This one is just as funny tho
  24. Are there any 0.16 3man SSTO's? Capable of a 150km orbit and roundevouz with my spacestation? The crew needs to be exchanged from time to time MechJeb, KW pack, NovaPunch, all are OK
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