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Everything posted by gmpd2000

  1. gmpd2000


    Maybe the top left corner will provide some answers.
  2. 5/10 Not bad challenges.
  3. Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope.
  4. If you need help, ask here in this thread, we can help you.
  5. I wonder how much will it affect efficiency to a plane when flying over the south pole and in winter (polar night). Or will it be too cold? And let's say low altitude, to enjoy those -80°C winds! (in real life, I mean)
  6. Okay, the experiment is as it follows: The supposed percentage of left-handed people is around 10%, about 80-90% is right-handed, while the rest is either ambidextrous or ambisinister (no dominant hand). I wanna see if those statistics apply to the forum too. Read carefully: 1.Vote in the poll above. 2. If you don't have a forum account, vote here: http://strawpoll.me/4879196 3. If you have a forum account, vote in the poll above AND here: http://strawpoll.me/4879196 4. Post if you want. I'll begin. I am right-handed as of now.
  7. My original first rep was lost in the Great Forum Massacre of April 2013. And I don't remember it. *snif* I almost lost my account on that day.
  8. Ha! That's cute, here we have a 5.0 about once a month.
  9. Is that you, Bad Pocket Scientist?
  10. Well, I've been in an 8.8 earthquake here in Chile. According to the webs, it was the 6th largest earthquake in history. It feels like your house is being swing around in a rope, movements are slower than a smaller earthquake (well, in Chile, below 7.0 Richter isn't considered an earthquake), but the movements are more powerful and longer, anything detached from the floor will be moving (And I was in a third floor in that time, so imagine it a lot worse) and destroyed if fragile, my house suffered some cracks in the walls, but if your house isn't made from anti-seismic construction, it will come down. Also, DON'T GO INTO STAIRS WHILE THERE'S AN EARTHQUAKE. Get away from large things in your house. Get away from windows. For extra safety, get under something heavy (a table, your bed, etc). Go under a structural part of your house, if your house goes down, that will not, it might save you. Those are some tips, you can search the webs about more if you want.
  11. Mechjeb, launches become tedious after playing the game for 3+ years. Atmosphere landings, on the other hand, are done manually by me, I don't trust MJ for that.
  12. gmpd2000

    1000! Wahoo!

    Wow!, another 2012'er! We are rare this days, aren't we? And August 2012'ers are even more rare.
  13. Oooh, nice, is it going to be closed alpha or open alpha? Also, ETA?
  14. Aaaaand we're done! I'll be announcing the winner in a few minutes! Stay Tuned! Congratulations to: [h=3]kenbobo[/h]For winning the copy of Universe Sandbox² Will send you a PM right away. Mods are now authorized to close this thread.
  15. EDIT:Ignore the thing before I edited Vanamonde informed me that he/she is not in the contest, so: 1 more reply and we're done!
  16. ​This is now closed! I have an extra copy of Universe Sandbox². I want to give it away to someone! THE RULES: Only post if you want it. You need steam for this. Will send you a PM if you win the contest. Giveaway will close when this thread reaches 20 replies. Winner will be chosen at random. 1 post per user, please! You can now start!
  17. Playing with it, It's awesome! And pretty sure it has an awesome future! Recommended. Bought the $30 level.
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